Train Your Brain, Or Cook Your Goose!

Written by Richard Vegas

Continued from page 1

That most important person wasrepparttar recognition thatrepparttar 123699 subconscious does not recognizerepparttar 123700 difference between truth and lie. He discovered his subconscious sees everything as truth. Especially if it is his thoughts or beliefs.

If he believed he couldn't, then that was truth. If he believed he could, then that was truth. And, his subconscious got his mind to organize what his family was able to do because his body was unable. And, he created a company that sold their products through every retail grocery store in America atrepparttar 123701 time when he was about to lose everything.

He decided to train his subconscious with images of prosperity and abundance. He said for awhile, it took allrepparttar 123702 mental focus he could muster. But, then one day his mind suddenly gotrepparttar 123703 message and from then on only handed him back images of success and prosperity.

Whenever he thought of anything, it was uplifting and motivating. And it helped him to create a multi million dollar company withrepparttar 123704 help of his family lying flat on his back in bed.

The Key That Set Him Free, and YOU Too!!

He convinced his subconscious he was wealthy before he attained it. Too many people want to attain it before they believe it. It don't work that way. You never will attain it if you don't first believe you can.

Don't tell me you can't… I'll…… ah, never mind. :>)

Nobody ever achieved Lion status believing he was a skunk. Nuff said. You were born a champion. All you need to do is train your brain, or in other words, renew your mind. And I've made it my personal goal to help everyone I can weekly through my newsletter to do that.

In fact, I think I'll coinrepparttar 123705 phrase "train your brain". That's catchy. I like that.

Everything you think, every thought you have right now is a trained response to whatever circumstance you face. Yeah, you trained it, probably ignorantly. Butrepparttar 123706 subconscious took it as truth because it doesn't knowrepparttar 123707 difference.

You said, "I'm a dummy" andrepparttar 123708 subconscious said, yes, you are and made you feel like one. You said, "Ah..that's just my dumb luck", andrepparttar 123709 subconscious said, yes, it is, you poor thing, and made you feel like a skunk. Now, you say this, I feel good, I feel fine, I feel terrific, OUT LOUD, and your subconscious will say, yes you are and will make you feel like it. Because IT DON'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!!

Now retrain your brain and your subconscious will help you to attain love, prosperity, success, fulfillment, happiness, and all that your heart desires.

Go ahead, go for it, I dare you.

Richard Vegas © 2002

Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" Teaching The Success System That Never Fails, at: You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at:

Give A Little -- Get A Lot

Written by Miami Phillips

Continued from page 1

For instance, give food to a hungry person, but teach them how to feed themselves. (Haven’t I heard that somewhere?) I have kept that in mind as I do what I can to be of help this year. I try to volunteer myself in a manner that makes best use of my talents. Now I realize thatrepparttar benefits to me are far beyondrepparttar 123698 effort I give most ofrepparttar 123699 time! My rewards include gratitude from my clients and peers, building of my own confidence in my abilities, a much larger network of people, and lots more opportunities! What a deal!

My question to you is … to whom, or what, can you give a little bit to this year?

Miami Phillips is an ANSIR Certified Personal Coach who believes personal growth is an essential ingredient to being happy and contributing to this world.

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