Traditional Interior Design

Written by Rosemary Leake

Continued from page 1

It honestly depends onrepparttar magnitude and scope ofrepparttar 141319 project. Choose your wall treatments and get those out ofrepparttar 141320 way if you intend on making any flooring changes. Don’t become hasty and have new flooring installed orrepparttar 141321 existing flooring refinished only to paint overrepparttar 141322 top of it while applying your wall treatment. Oncerepparttar 141323 walls have been complete and allowed time to properly dry, then isrepparttar 141324 time to make flooring changes.

Flooring! Traditional interior design offers so many choices for all types of flooring; it is best to base this choice uponrepparttar 141325 needs and lifestyle of your clients. If they have children, suggest that easily washable, flat surfaced flooring is used withrepparttar 141326 compliment of a large rug in any recreational room. These rooms will berepparttar 141327 rooms that are usedrepparttar 141328 most often and are danger areas for anyone with kids or children. Explain to them thatrepparttar 141329 rug is easily replaced but carpeting is not!!!

Whenrepparttar 141330 ‘canvas’ is ready (the bare bones ofrepparttar 141331 room), it is time for you to treat any windows before you begin moving furniture in and things get crowded. For small rooms, open them up by adding more light using sheer window coverings. The same idea with dark rooms that need a little extra light. Make ‘short’ rooms tall using window-to-floor curtains or draperies in contrast to short furniture.

Traditional interior design includes MANY alternatives to window coverings that will fit any home. Keep in mind while doing thisrepparttar 141332 activity onrepparttar 141333 outside ofrepparttar 141334 window as much as you do torepparttar 141335 appearance onrepparttar 141336 inside of it. If it is a very open window andrepparttar 141337 setting ofrepparttar 141338 home does not offer much privacy, they will probably want privacy window coverings. After your windows are complete, hang any wall accessories before proceeding torepparttar 141339 next step.

Time to bring inrepparttar 141340 furniture! A few key rules to remember while positioning furniture in traditional interior design: first, create lines and continuity. Second, be sure to create adequate walking space. Third, don’t over clutter. And fourth, be creative.

Once your furniture is in place and has been ‘tested’, it is time to accessorize. Traditional interior design normally does this by placing a few instrumental accessories into place. Simplicity is elegant and too many accessories can lead to an uncomfortable room.

Try to purchase well-defined items that can even make great conversational pieces. Ifrepparttar 141341 homeowners are hands-on and involved, get them to add personal touches by creating an accessory themselves.

Traditional interior design is a catch-all that incorporatesrepparttar 141342 workability and usability withrepparttar 141343 beauty of a room. Achieverepparttar 141344 perfect balance by properly combining these items and you will be successful!

Rosemary Leake is an Independent Consultant with Southern Living at Home. Inspired by Southern Living magazine, our exclusive home décor line brings warmth and style to every room of your home! Visit Rosemary's Interior Design website for more articles and resources - Also get your FREE Mini-Report: "A Complete Guide To Interior Design."

Learning Interior Design

Written by Rosemary Leake

Continued from page 1

It is true that certain architectural elements of a room demand more attention then others. I think that this is one ofrepparttar reasons that many people misunderstandrepparttar 141318 concept of focal points. Throughout your journey of learning interior design, you will come to understandrepparttar 141319 importance of balancingrepparttar 141320 understanding of architecture focal points, and living ones.

Certain people are naturally going to elevate towards different activities and objects in a room. This is why a basic understanding of bothrepparttar 141321 human element andrepparttar 141322 architectural one are a keystone to successful interior design.

Once you have a basic to medium understanding of focal points and placement of items in and around those places,repparttar 141323 other key feature of learning interior design is visual representation of objects.

Color, texture, and shape arerepparttar 141324 fundamentals in this category. When you view an object,repparttar 141325 way thatrepparttar 141326 light is reflected off of it onto your eyes is commonly known as color. Texture isrepparttar 141327 way thatrepparttar 141328 object ‘feels’ to you visually. Shape isrepparttar 141329 basic makeup ofrepparttar 141330 object reflected visually. The correct combination of these characteristics results in a visually harmonious atmosphere.

Let’s imagine a few terms you hear when associated with design. ‘Gaudy’ always pops into mind. A space with bold color representation, an overkill interjection of texture, andrepparttar 141331 overuse of modern or untraditional shape forms are all factors that would encompass that title.

‘Simple’ would generally refer torepparttar 141332 use of light, neutral color schemes in combination with small interjections of light texture and straight lined shapes. Simple, in my opinion isrepparttar 141333 basic ingredient to a successful recipe of design. Begin simply and build to your comfort level of complexity. This will not be an area that will flow naturally with you when you begin learning interior design. It will more then likely become an understanding that you will develop over time and exposure to different aspects of design.

To wind things up,repparttar 141334 road to learning interior design is filled with information and visual perspectives that will open both your eyes and your mind to an entirely different world. Observation isrepparttar 141335 key to better understanding this world. Open your eyes and beginrepparttar 141336 adventure!

Rosemary Leake is an Independent Consultant with Southern Living at Home. Inspired by Southern Living magazine, our exclusive home décor line brings warmth and style to every room of your home! Visit Rosemary's Interior Design website for more articles and resources - Also get your FREE Mini-Report: "A Complete Guide To Interior Design."

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