Toys For Rabbits

Written by Sarah Giers

Continued from page 1
choosing a toy, make sure that there are no chemically treated pieces that could harm your bunny. Avoid painted toys as they may be toxic. Dye is okay so long as it is natural dye such a food colouring. Anything safe for parrots is usually safe for rabbits. Rabbits love to chew, so blocks of wood are great. String a bell torepparttar top ofrepparttar 111232 cage, and your bunny may soon be reaching up to ring it with its nose. Experiment and see what your rabbit likes. Every rabbit, like every human, has its own preferences.

Rabbits also love to play games without toys. I have had rabbits who learned how to play tag. I would get down on my hands and knees and crawl after them. They would run, and when I tagged them, they knew they were "it." They would then come chasing after me until they tagged me. Rabbits are also good at hide-and-seek. They love to hide and be found. Just make sure to keep track of where your rabbit is so that it does not hide too well and get lost!

Breeder and exhibitor of show rabbits for 11 years, member of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, and fan of all animals.

Weather Extremes and Your Rabbit

Written by Sarah Giers

Continued from page 1


Rabbits cannot handle direct sunlight for very long at all. Just a few minutes in full sunlight can kill them. It causes them to overheat rapidly. Make sure your rabbit always has a shaded area that it can get to.


A wet rabbit is a rabbit that is more prone to getting ill or dying, especially if there are drafts or there is cold weather. Keep your rabbit out ofrepparttar rain, and make sure it does not get wet. If it does get wet, dry it off right away. A little water onrepparttar 111231 surface ofrepparttar 111232 coat will not harmrepparttar 111233 rabbit, so long as it has not reachedrepparttar 111234 under layer of fur calledrepparttar 111235 "undercoat." If it has reachedrepparttar 111236 undercoat, some serious drying will be needed. If that happens, also watch for signs of illness inrepparttar 111237 next few weeks.


Drafts are one ofrepparttar 111238 most common weather-related killers of rabbits. Make sure your rabbit is out of drafts, or at least has a place where it can get out of drafts. Wind chill can be very deadly.

Breeder of show rabbits for 11 years, member of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, and fan of all types of animals.

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