Top Ten Ways to Write a Book That Sells

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

6.Market your book as your write each chapter. Know and write such essential "hot-selling points" as your 60-second "tell and sell," your specific audience, your sparkling introduction that is a mini sales letter, and your back cover or Web sales letter for each book you write.

7.Know your audience before your write your book to keep it organized, flowing, and compelling. Keep their picture by your workstation. Write your audience profile first to include their sex, their top interest, what they spend money on, their Internet savvy, what books they want and need. Your subject must benefit your audience or they won't buy your book. What audiences want what you have? Who will let go of their hard-earned money to buy your book?

Remember that women buy 78 percent of all trade books. Is your subject narrow enough?

8. Write your non-fiction, self-help book first. While writing a novel may draw you, start withrepparttar moneymaking book first, so you can finance your other efforts. Think a shorter first book, maybe 30-90 pages. Today, people are busy. They want information fast and easy. Make your chapters shorter too. If you answer 4 questions about one chapter topic, you will create a four-page chapter.

9.Put your book into your readers’ hands. Think first, "What'srepparttar 129014 purpose of my book?" Think about your audience and your fame. Will they really gorepparttar 129015 bookstore looking for your book? Since distributors often go broke, think about distributing your book yourself. Today it is easy withrepparttar 129016 number one way to promote--Online. And, it's free with a short learning curve. Ask your book or Internet marketing coach.

10.Make things happen. Even if you are one ofrepparttar 129017 chosen 1-2% an agent or publisher accepts, if you are an unknown, they will provide little marketing. After a book tour and placing your book onrepparttar 129018 bookstore shelves for three months, you'll have to pick uprepparttar 129019 talon and lead your own marketing efforts.

So start early and take a teleclass or read a book on how a non-techie can sell a book Online through free articles and other free, easy ways.

Judy Cullins, 20-year book coach works with emerging authors who want to write a print or an ebook, make a difference in people lives, and make a consistent life-long income from it. JHer 10 published books include "Write your eBook and Print Book at the Same Time," 10 Non-Techie Ways to Marketing your Book Online, and "How to Drastically Increase Website Traffic and Sales."

Teacher Turns Entrepreneur

Written by Diana Barnum

Continued from page 1
Beginning, intermediate and advanced writers can all create multiple documents to not only help with their businesses, careers and education requirements, they can use them to increase publicity, promotion, prospects and profits.

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Barnum is an Ohioan freelance writer and is president of Moving Ahead Communications at

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