Continued from page 1
_____4. Less bio and credentials on
home page because your customer wants to know "what's in it for me?" Put this information on your Contact or About Me page.
_____5. Less telling and more engaging
visitor to stay (they leave immediately if they don't see benefits and valuable content that answers their concerns). Forget
brochure-style home page.
_____6. A preplan naming
top two to three focuses you want to attract customers to, who your target market is, and your Web site's contacts and money goals.
_____7. Much more "You" centered information such as benefits or short tips and articles
_____8. Acknowledgement and answers for your visitor's concerns, problems or challenges. These hook your Web visitor to pick up
phone to call you.
_____9. Proven strategies that get people to your site to include writing and submitting short articles to other Web sites and ezines, exchanging links, a blog page for your customer to interact with you and get questions answered, and many more.
____10. A willingness to take
time and spend
money to make your Web site work. Without this, your site will languish with inactivity.
When you don't know what you don't know, your site just sits there with no one to play with. Your brick and mortar business sits there too. Now that you do know more than you did, take a leap of faith and know that you too can learn how to make your Web site shine and bring people right to your business address. Find yourself a good professional Internet marketing person, read books on
topic or take a teleclass or seminar to boost your skills. Partner with a professional who can make your journey so much shorter, with fewer mistakes, and help you enjoy your business more.

Judy Cullins, book and Internet Marketing Coach works with people to build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Author "Write your eBook Fast" and "How to Market your Business on the Internet," get her 2 free monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says...and Business Tip of the Month at and over 170 free articles.