Top Ten Things to Ask Yourself About Your Website

Written by Susan Dunn, M. A.

Continued from page 1

5. Is it user-friendly? Is it easy to navigate and consistent?

6. People buy from people they like and trust. This has never changed. Does your website make people like and trust you/your business?

7. Have you viewed your website from as many other browsers as possible? It can save you a lot of grief.

8. Do you provide many opportunities forrepparttar visitor to contact you andrepparttar 134519 webmaster?

9. Do you provide an urgency for purchase?

10. Do you have interactive opportunities--places for feedback, polls, quizzes, forums andrepparttar 134520 like?

Susan Dunn is a personal and professional development coach who specializes in emotional intelligence, strengths, and inner work. You can visit her on the web at

7 Tips to Organize Your Web Site

Written by Barbara Myers

Continued from page 1

5. Offer something free to attract more visitors to your site. Will you offer how-to's, tips, newsletter, software? The possibilities are endless.

6. Keep it simple and easy to read. Use short line lengths and paragraphs. Internet users want concise information and they want it now. Make sure your pages load quickly.

7. Keep it consistent. The layout should be identical for each page on your site. Placerepparttar links inrepparttar 134518 same place. Keeprepparttar 134519 colors and fontrepparttar 134520 same throughout your site.

Barbara Myers is a professional organizer and author. Receive free tips and articles to help you take control of your time by organizing your life. Visit

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