Top Ten Steps to Focus on Achieving What You Really Want

Written by Wendy Hearn

Continued from page 1

7. Don't allowrepparttar negative feeling "I can't" stop you from going for what you really want. Most things are achievable by most people and by taking one small step forward, you'll see that "I can" is a real possibility.

8. Focus your time, energy and attention on what you do want, rather than what you don't want. You'll get more out of whatever you focus your attention on.

9. Narrow down your list of what you want to one specific thing for now, by numbering allrepparttar 101965 items and then set up a draw sheet as used in sports tournaments. Your emotional and instinctive sides will come into play and leave you with one specific item to focus on.

10. Identify at least one step you can take immediately towards achieving this item. As you initiaterepparttar 101966 action, decide onrepparttar 101967 next step and keep on until you've achieved what you really want. Taking actions, even small ones, builds your momentum, confidence and moves you towards your goals.

Wendy Hearn - Personal and Professional Coach works with business owners, professionals, executives and managers who are ready to enrich their lives. . . finding more success, fun, balance, joy and time. Free Report - How to Focus on Achieving What You Really Want Send email to

Let Your Intuition Guide You to Prioritise

Written by Wendy Hearn

Continued from page 1

When you've received a response from your intuition, you need to act on it. I've found that it's trusting, relying on and acting on your intuition that'srepparttar hardest part for most people. If this is new to you or you want to develop it further, it's just like anything else that you want to be able to do well. You must practice. Intuition is a muscle that needs to be exercised andrepparttar 101964 more you use it,repparttar 101965 stronger your faith in it will become. At first you may just want to take small steps when acting on your intuition. These small steps can be built on as time goes by and your confidence in yourself and your intuition builds.

Your intuition is guidance from your higher self and has your best interests at heart. Choosing your priorities by following your intuition means you're choosing what is really right for you. You're not so likely to be pulled between different priorities.

Wendy Hearn - Personal and Professional works with business owners, professionals, executives and managers who are ready to enrich their lives. . . finding more success, fun, balance, joy and time. Free Report - How to Focus on Achieving What You Really Want Send email to Coach

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