Top 7 Ways You Can Save And Earn Money Using Web Conferences

Written by Ozer Tayiz

Continued from page 1

4) You can userepparttar web conference for online live customer support.

Customer relations and satisfaction is a big issue for any business. Imagine being able to offer live support, including voice and video chat, to unlimited people. Wouldn't your customers be more satisfied, and choose you over your competitors?

5) You can offer free web conferences withinrepparttar 150136 area of your trade, to increase sales.

If you're selling widgets, you probably know more about widgets thanrepparttar 150137 average customer. Offer a free webinar titled, for example, "7 tips to selectrepparttar 150138 right widget for you", with a special offer atrepparttar 150139 end ofrepparttar 150140 webinar to increase sales. This principle, giving some free knowledge to increase sales is a basic principle in 2-step direct marketing. And it applies to any kind of business, or even fund-generating charities.

6) If you're an expert, consultant, coach, teacher, or mentor of any kind, you can also offer paid web conferences or classes, for added revenue.

Well, this is obvious. Imagine not only being able to serve to local clients that can come to your office to meet you face-to-face, but to people all overrepparttar 150141 world, even hundreds of them at a time! Could you imagine a group session with 337 people from all overrepparttar 150142 world? Right from your desktop?

7) If you find a great web conference provider, you can be their affiliate or reseller, and start earning money fromrepparttar 150143 sales.

Oh yes, this VOIP business is a growing trend, and, if you are looking for a good business that you can be an affiliate or a reseller of, I recommend you to take a good look at various VOIP & web conference providers. Those who successfully promote a good web conference provider would probably be making great amounts of money inrepparttar 150144 following years.

The author, Ozer Tayiz thinks he's found the greatest web conferencing solution. It gives you unlimited seats, unlimited minutes web conferencing for a fixed monthly fee starting with $29.99/m for one room. For more information, click the link below:

Think of Your Business in a BRAND New Way

Written by John Stanley

Continued from page 1

Your brand is your U.S.P It’s what you do differently from everyone else to make you stand out fromrepparttar crowd. Ensure you have a Unique Selling Proposition (U.S.P) and promote it via your brand.

Don’t be afraid to take risks with your brand Successful businesses take risks, especially in such a volatile world. Encourage your team to take risks whilst preserving your brand integrity. But don’t forget to support your risk takers.

Support your team allrepparttar 150135 time If you don’t support your team, they won’t grow your brand. They arerepparttar 150136 ones that haverepparttar 150137 maximum customer contact and they arerepparttar 150138 ones that need support.

Focus on your real customers Not everyone wants to deal with you and your garden centre. Identify who your true advocates are and make sure your whole team are aware whom they are. Your brand success revolves around these people selling your brand for you by word of mouth.

Keep up with trends For your brand to be relevant, customers are looking to you to be a leading edge retailer. They want you to offerrepparttar 150139 latest trends, fashions and colours. Keep up to date, readrepparttar 150140 relevant magazines and ensurerepparttar 150141 whole team are aware of those trends.

Be seen as a leader in your community,repparttar 150142 industry and by your team and promote your brand at every opportunity. It’s a never ending process, but it will deliver success.

John Stanley is a conference speaker and retail consultant with over 20 years experience in 15 countries. John works with businesses around the world assisting them with their merchandising, staff and management training, customer flow, customer service and image. Visit or email us on

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