Top 10 Relationship Secrets - As Learned From My Twin 2 Year Olds

Written by Kari White

Continued from page 1

6. Run naked every once in awhile. Well, you don’t have to run throughrepparttar streets naked but take check of your sex life. As a couple, your sex life isrepparttar 131015 one thing that is yours exclusively. Don’t let regular life such as stress and fatigue take over from enjoyingrepparttar 131016 human contact you and your husband have dedicated to each other only.

7. Lay back onrepparttar 131017 grass and watchrepparttar 131018 clouds go by. Whenever you have a chance, go reflect and relax together. It is one ofrepparttar 131019 most powerful combinations that you can use for your relationship. Pack up a picnic once and while or go torepparttar 131020 park – just do it together and forget aboutrepparttar 131021 housework that has to be done orrepparttar 131022 presentation at work due on Monday.

8. Put on a fancy hat. Don’t forget to get dressed up and go out onrepparttar 131023 town forrepparttar 131024 night. Many couples find they are making a date night just because they are either stuck in a rut inrepparttar 131025 relationship of watching TV every night or working to late.

9. Silence is not always a good thing. If silence seems to berepparttar 131026 communication level in your relationship, it usually means something big is brewing and trouble is near. Always talk through your problems, don’t let things just go torepparttar 131027 side to let it brew in each other’s minds. Figure outrepparttar 131028 problem and fix it as soon as possible!

10. Take naps. Every once and awhile, just go lie down together and talk. Cuddle up to each other and celebrate inrepparttar 131029 love you have for each other. Fall asleep for an hour in each other arms and wake up to a new energy level together.


Discoverrepparttar 131030 Secrets of a Well Planned Theme Wedding. Free tips and techniques at our site - Go to ==> - Check it out today !


Kari White is an experienced event and wedding planner. As a result of numerous requests, she has now completed the Unique Theme Wedding Planning Guide which can be found at her web site along with a free weekly newsletter. Do yourself a favor and check it out today.

Finding the Humor in your Wedding

Written by Kari White

Continued from page 1

¤ Andrepparttar best, a bell man screaming at my husband and I to open our door on our wedding night as he thought we were having a huge party (it was next door) –although my husband always likes saying we made way too much noise that night.

In hindsight, it’s all really humorous (well except my dad part)! Make sure you grab your humour on your wedding day about allrepparttar 131013 things that are out of your control! If you can’t seem to findrepparttar 131014 humour, try to do a few relaxation techniques such as:

¤ Tightenrepparttar 131015 muscles in your toes. Hold for a count of 10. Relax and enjoyrepparttar 131016 sensation of release from tension.

¤ Breathe deeply and slowly.

¤ Get a quick breath of fresh air! A quick walk can give you a much-needed “time-out” which will release some tension. Try to also designate someone to take care of details that you just don’t need to worry about. For example, have a friend in charge ofrepparttar 131017 catering or someone forrepparttar 131018 music etc. When a problem arises,repparttar 131019 bride usually hears and then you can just tell your friend and forget about it. You don’t need to be wasting your time fighting withrepparttar 131020 catering or disc jockey.


Discoverrepparttar 131021 Secrets of a Well Planned Theme Wedding. Free tips and techniques at our site - Go to ==> or mail us at ==>

Kari White is an experienced event and wedding planner. As a result of numerous requests, she has now completed the Unique Theme Wedding Planning Guide which can be found at her web site along with a free weekly newsletter. Do yourself a favor and check it out today.

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