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2. Create A USP For Your Business
USP stands for "Unique Selling Proposition".
It is a statement of what is different about your company and its products. Your USP gives
reason people should do business with you. It amplifies
benefit of doing business with you and your company. My USP is POSTCARD MARKETING EXPERTS. Create your own USP and put it on all your promotional materials, invoices, shipping labels etc.
Use your USP to communicate
benefit of doing business with you and why you are better than any of your competitors. 3. Always Make an Offer
Make sure you ask your prospects and customers to do something when they receive your postcard. By offering them something you know they are likely to want and giving them a smooth path to respond on, you are making it easy and desirable for them to respond.
4. Create and Maintain a Database of The Customer Information You Collect From The Responses To Your Mailings
Most people who receive a postcard from you won't contact you
first time they receive one. But once they contact you, you must create and maintain a database which allows you to repeatedly contact them with offers to respond to. Fifty percent or more of many businesses' sales come as a result of following up with people who were previously contacted, but didn't buy right away. No kidding, repeat contact does drive sales. One-time mailings can get response, but are bound to leave sales on
table. Those sales can be picked up with repeated mailings.
5. Take Away
Fear of Loss
People don't want to be fooled, plain and simple. Unfortunately trust does not run high today between customers and businesses in general. People have been disappointed too many times by being sold one thing and getting another. A guarantee or warranty is a good way to reduce or eliminate
customers’ risk of getting something other than what they bargained for. Guarantees and warranties increase response and sales by reducing customer risk. 6. Expand Your Product Line
Getting new customers is more expensive than selling to existing ones. By regularly developing new products and services to sell to your customers and offering these new products and services to them, you can expand your business efficiently and easily. 7. Test Your Postcard Promotions Track
effectiveness of your postcard mailings. How many people responded to your mailing? What dollar amount of sales resulted from those responses? Is
money you are spending to attract new business giving you a good return? What can you do to make your marketing more effective? Change your offer, headline, price,
timing of your offer. When you do track
results and improve your response. These are
points to follow when designing your own marketing strategy. When you are done, you will have laid out
steps needed to accomplish your goal using existing resources to achieve a great marketing ROI (return on investment). After that, you simply have to get those steps executed and that might require further planning but it is all in
context of your main business marketing strategy.

Joy Gendusa founded PostcardMania in 1998; her only assets a computer and a phone. In 2004 the company did close to $9 million in sales and employs over 60 persons. She attributes her explosive growth to her ability to choose incredible staff and her innate marketing savvy. Now she’s sharing her marketing secrets with others. For more free marketing advice, visit her website at