Tooting Your Own Horn

Written by C.J.Hayden

Continued from page 1
It gives you extra credibility ifrepparttar event you're reporting is also acknowledged by someone else. When you give great service to a client, ask for a testimonial letter. Then includerepparttar 120504 letter in mailings and your marketing kit. Many of these developments are newsworthy enough to informrepparttar 120505 media. Write a news release describing what has occurred and your opinion about it. If you win an award, describe how it made you feel. If you are elected to office, outline your goals forrepparttar 120506 organization. Include in your release a brief paragraph about your background. Send your news release to your own trade press and all your local media outlets. If you are nationally known already, include national outlets as well. Follow up with a phone call to offer additional information and find out if they plan to runrepparttar 120507 item. When you do appear inrepparttar 120508 news, no matter how smallrepparttar 120509 mention, capitalize on it. Unless you are onrepparttar 120510 cover of a major publication or featured on national TV, don't expect a lot of people to contact you as a result of your appearance alone. In addition to reprinting articles about you or by you for everyone on your mailing list, keep them on hand. Include them in your marketing kit for prospective clients, speaking engagements, and future media opportunities. Use them as handouts at trade shows. Frame them and hang them onrepparttar 120511 wall of your office. Post links or entire articles on your web site. When you land a radio, TV, or live chat interview, let everyone on your mailing list know when you will be on. You'll probably get more business from telling people about it than you do fromrepparttar 120512 program itself.

C.J. Hayden is the author of Get Clients NOW! Thousands of business owners and salespeople have used her simple sales and marketing system to double or triple their income. Get a free copy of "Five Secrets to Finding All the Clients You'll Ever Need" at

19 Ways To Attract Higher Paying Clients

Written by Catherine Franz

Continued from page 1

7. Don't brown nose. They smell it a mile away. They will either quickly turn you away or play you for entertainment and then toss you away. Once you get this label you can almost hang it up in their circle unless you fess up to your inappropriate behavior.

8. They don't haverepparttar word "mistake" in their vocabulary. Everything to them is a "learning lesson" and is connected to a price tag. If you are even harboring some person beliefs of making mistakes, they will sense this as fear. And since fear has a special energy/vibration they have keen senses for it.

9. Their first response to your proposal will always be "how can they do it in house themselves." Expect to be able to demonstraterepparttar 120503 specialness and if you can particular show how it can be completed in-house,repparttar 120504 more brownie points you earn. The higher your expertise or specialtiesrepparttar 120505 less chance they can "create it in house." This is because higher paying clients tend to gravitate to specialists.

10. The higherrepparttar 120506 clientele,repparttar 120507 better their leveraging skills are. If they can figure out how to leverage it better and cheaper, you will lose. This isn't always true, most times if they have too much on their plate already and don't want to spend their focus time away AND they like you, you can getrepparttar 120508 sale.

11. "No" is a test. Don't take anything for granted. Flexibility and diversity are important in riding outrepparttar 120509 storm.

12. Find clients to whom your work is not only valuable, but essential to their goals.

13. Know your worth and stand by it.

14. Removerepparttar 120510 "under earner" mind set.

15. Make it easy for them to work with you. Remove any hoops or extra steps that take up their time.

16. Decide in advance what you're going to do if they don't accept your higher fee.

17. Presentation level needs to be on their level or perceived to be there.

18. Rely more on referrals for this market.

19. Be confident and know you can attract them. Feel and allowrepparttar 120511 possibility without question -- 100%. Remove any doubt.

(c) Copyright 2004, Catherine Franz. All rights reserved.

Catherine Franz, is a certified life and business coach specializing in marketing and writing,Internet and infoproduct development. For other articles, and ezines:

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