Too Much Build-Up: Over-Zealous Ad Copy Can Break The Sale

Written by Dina Giolitto,

Continued from page 1

How arerepparttar web marketing gurus able to create such aggressive ads, without being anticlimactic?

Internet experts have something that everybody wants and only some people know how to get: success. The truth is, success doesn’t come in a box or in an e-book or in a four-day seminar. None of these things guarantee that success will ever be yours. But they MIGHT help, and that's whererepparttar 100559 promise of success is ever-gleaming. That's howrepparttar 100560 experts can keep you trying like hell to attain it - repeatedly forking over your hard-earned cash for their mysterious know-how - allrepparttar 100561 while thinking that "maybe this one will sealrepparttar 100562 deal and make it happen for me!" Their ads will never be anticlimactic because they have masteredrepparttar 100563 art of keeping their customers salivating for more. Can you do this with your product offering?

Is what you sell highly sought-after, and inrepparttar 100564 category of success? Is it a stepping-stone to something of great magnitude? Or is it merely something that can enhance quality of life in little ways? The truth is, it takes more than ad copy to sell a product. Sometimes... surprise...repparttar 100565 product has to sell itself.

Despite what some would have you believe, no blown-out sales pitch is going to guarantee that you’ll become a millionaire. Just likerepparttar 100566 embellished movie review, an aggressive advertising campaign will attract attention, and it may even make you some money. But only until people realize that your product doesn’t live up to allrepparttar 100567 hype. At that point, they’ll lose interest. And then you’ll lose customers. What will happenrepparttar 100568 next time you’re ready to launch a new product? Surprise... no one wants to “watch your movie.”

What would you rather be: a one-hit wonder, or someone who draws a loyal following that’s ever-growing? For those that wantrepparttar 100569 latter, here’s my advice: be realistic. Keep your advertising honest and informative. Present your product or service in a way that highlights its advantages without telling tall tales. Establish trust and credibility with your customers, and they’ll keep coming back. And above all, don’t base your advertising campaign on "what works for other people." Base it on what works for you.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

Dina Giolitto is a New-Jersey based Copywriting Consultant with nine years' industry experience. Her current focus is web content and web marketing for a multitude of products and services although the bulk of her experience lies in retail for big-name companies like Toys"R"Us. Visit for rates and samples.

The Long Sales Letter: Should You Use it In Your Advertising?

Written by Dina Giolitto,

Continued from page 1

How much information can you fill your letter with?

As much as you have to build a solid argument. Start by openly addressingrepparttar customer's frustrations and fears. "Are you tired of throwing away money on lukewarm ads that just don't sell?" The reader is hard-pressed to disagree. Next comesrepparttar 100558 aspirations;repparttar 100559 hope for a better tomorrow: "Imagine an ad campaign that can triple your sales at a minimal cost to your business!"

Pose your company as having solution;repparttar 100560 secret key,repparttar 100561 pot of gold atrepparttar 100562 end ofrepparttar 100563 rainbow. "Watch your sales rate explode!" "Discoverrepparttar 100564 secrets that successful marketers know!" They're not really secrets and nothing is literally going to explode, but such language creates a sense of excitement and urgency. Build your credibility with testimonials and success stories. "Bob Luken had this to say about our system:" (list testimonial). "Marla Thompson lost 49 pounds in three months thanks to our weight loss program!"

Finally comesrepparttar 100565 call to action: "Buy now, and get onrepparttar 100566 path to a more properous tomorrow!" "Click here to start saving immediately!" A word torepparttar 100567 wise: once you make your point, wrap it up. Bewarerepparttar 100568 hypnotic effects of repeated ideas and words, and endless streams of mind-numbing copy. Not everyone succumbs to such trickery! I speak for myself when I say that after four or so paragraphs,repparttar 100569 reader is likely losing interest. At this point, one of two things may happen. They will scroll allrepparttar 100570 way torepparttar 100571 end and click BUY NOW, or they will grow disgusted and leave your website.

How strong of a message do you require?

The flashy, all-I-need-now-is-a-megaphone Sales Letter doesn't work for everybody. Takerepparttar 100572 hospitality industry, for example, which calls for a bit more subtlety and finesse. You don't want to appear frenzied or desperate to makerepparttar 100573 sale, or you may scare awayrepparttar 100574 customer. Strong language can do just that. Some Lengthy Sales Letters use what I consider marketing brainwashing tactics. The brainwashing comes when you start repeating what you've already said, but in a slightly different way. Or when you followrepparttar 100575 formula I've outlined inrepparttar 100576 previous paragraph, but do it no less than 12 times inrepparttar 100577 body of your letter. This is a form of "loud" advertising in itself!

If you ask yourselfrepparttar 100578 right questions, you'll get a better idea for whether a Long Sales Letter, or any other type of advertising strategy you might have learned about, isrepparttar 100579 best approach for your own company. Be honest with yourself duringrepparttar 100580 questioning process. It also helps to "put your feet inrepparttar 100581 consumer's shoes." In my ten years as an advertiser, one thing rings true as far as I can see:repparttar 100582 more aggressively you push your products andrepparttar 100583 "busier"repparttar 100584 ads,repparttar 100585 more lowbrow or "low-confidence" consumer you'll attract. As a general rule, when creating ads, less is more. So if you have a good point to make, make it inrepparttar 100586 best way you can, but don't go to extremes. If your ads are always long-winded, bold and frantic, you'll attract plenty of attention. But it may not berepparttar 100587 kind of attention you want.

Copyright Dina Giolitto 2005. Use with permission.

Dina Giolitto is a New-Jersey based Copywriting Consultant with nine years' industry experience. Her current focus is web content and web marketing for a multitude of products and services although the bulk of her experience lies in retail for big-name companies like Toys"R"Us. Visit for rates and samples.

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