Too Many Books, Supplements and Programs

Written by Marc David

Continued from page 1

I remember asking people what they thought of this whole sport.

The majority were disenchanted byrepparttar slew of supplements,repparttar 105373 million training programs,repparttar 105374 500 ebooks on bodybuilding andrepparttar 105375 paper classics. It's like they wanted to know out ofrepparttar 105376 1 million resources, which ones wererepparttar 105377 ones they should read. And it better not be too many.

Butrepparttar 105378 problem with having somebody else choose for you obvious. Andrepparttar 105379 problem with too few choices is obvious as well.

Having so many choices is actually quite good. Many DB members who have read overrepparttar 105380 posts, visitedrepparttar 105381 sites linked to and talked about and purchasedrepparttar 105382 eBooks that get talked about often have a very well rounded knowledge base. They also start to see a lot of repetition. 6 meals a day isrepparttar 105383 way to go if you are on a weight gain or weight loss program. It just depends on what you eat for those 6 meals that determinesrepparttar 105384 outcome.

I look at my bookshelf and I see many fiction works and I see many books on supplements and vitamins. I look in my computer folders and I see well over 30 ebooks on fitness subjects. And I look in my supplement closet and see various programs and such. And I'm not confused. I like choices. I like different protein powders. Some shakes I love. Others give me an upset stomach. So having choices is good. And thru experience and time, I can pick and chooserepparttar 105385 best ones to suit my needs because after allrepparttar 105386 reading,repparttar 105387 postingrepparttar 105388 debating with members, and just reading what people post, I get better and better at being able to pick out what will best work for me.

Do not get discouraged when you walk into a supplement store and see 30 different types of bars. Nor should you get angry or upset when you go to various places and see yet another book on fitness. Having choices benefits you. And thru reading and learning and talking, you will figure out what is hype and what is real. One man's bullshit is another man's placebo to a 400 lb bench press.

Keep learning and don't look forrepparttar 105389 ONE program orrepparttar 105390 ONE supplement orrepparttar 105391 ONE book that will tell yourepparttar 105392 golden truth. Fact is, if you only had 1 of everything, you'd be very limited in knowledge.

Keep reading!

Marc David is a bodybuilder, writer, and author of the the e-book "The Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding" (BGFB): What Every Beginner Should Know but Probably Doesn't. Please visit his site at:

Monitoring Your Fitness Progress: Don't Guess- Measure!

Written by Anthony Ellis

Continued from page 1

I expect to gain some fat on a mass diet, but I always want to gain more muscle than fat. If I had not kept track of my body fat levels, I would have gained too much fat.


There are many methods of measuring your body fat and some are quite expensive. While many consider underwater weighing to berepparttar most accurate, no method is 100% precise -- they all have some margin of error. It's not important to knowrepparttar 105371 exact number -- what's important is to userepparttar 105372 same method each time you take your measurements so you can have a consistent record of your progress. I just use an inexpensive skinfold caliper. They cost anywhere from $29-$80 and are simple to use.

A good caliper is essential. Without it, you won't know how exactly your body is responding to your diet and training routine. You may also want to consider using a tracking software like The Composition Tracker at ... It will help you analyze your data and tell you if you are actually building more muscle and losing more fat!

Just looking inrepparttar 105373 mirror and guessing is not acceptable!

If you want to start getting great results, you must developrepparttar 105374 habit of accurately tracking your progress. If you don't, you will continue to go in circles. This may seem like a 'hassle', but nothing worth having is ever easy to attain.

Former "skinny guy" Anthony Ellis is the author of Gaining Mass! The most widely used weight gain program in the world. This unique program designed to help people gain weight and build muscle, is currently being used in over 100 countries and boasts the largest private weight gain forum on the Internet, with well over 15,000 members. Click here to view over 200 user testimonials:

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