Tony Yayo

Written by Solof

Continued from page 1

“Doing that bid wasn’t easy, ‘cause I knew how crazy it was getting onrepparttar outside,” says Yayo. He did his time and by early 2004 Yayo was back in society and ready to record.

“I haverepparttar 148582 most love for Banks and Buck, because they held their albums so that they could make sure that I got a verse on them,” he says, “I only gotrepparttar 148583 one bonus cut off onrepparttar 148584 G-Unit album and they knew it was important for me to get out there to getrepparttar 148585 buzz going again.” In addition, Yayo made stellar guest appearances on The Game’s triple platinum debut as well as 50’s already 5 times platinum The Massacre. Allrepparttar 148586 while, trapped under ankle restraint parole, he crafted his album withrepparttar 148587 help of G-Unit co-founder and executive producer Sha $XL, who fed him strictlyrepparttar 148588 hottest beats.

The result is a prototypical G-Unit album, with magnificent, universal beats, and a balanced mix of records for b-boys, d-boys andrepparttar 148589 ladies. “I’ve spent so long working with 50 at this point that I’ve more or less learned how to make great records, ‘cause he’s a master,” he says. And records like “So Seductive,” which Yayo actually conceived and wrote on his own before 50 added on his contribution, exemplify his dexterous understanding of songwriting. “I did that record before 50 did “Candy Shop” and that’srepparttar 148590 reason that he said ‘so seductive’ atrepparttar 148591 beginning, ‘cause he thought my record was so crazy.” In addition torepparttar 148592 crossover smash,repparttar 148593 album has street bangers like “Homicide”,repparttar 148594 Domingo produced murder rap which Yayo uses to kick offrepparttar 148595 LP, andrepparttar 148596 clever “Tattle Teller,” an ode to history’s most infamous snitches, as well slick ballads for that special lady, like “I’m Curious” and “Project Princess”, which showcase Yayo’s ability to step out ofrepparttar 148597 street and intorepparttar 148598 bedroom with comfort and ease, featuring R&B quartet Jagged Edge and crooner Joe.

Thought of A Predicate Felon is a balanced and well-rounded LP, if ever there was one. It clearly stands as a testament to Tony Yayo’s versatility, and his ability to stand on his own artistically. Though he receives helping hands from friends like 50 and Eminem, as well as Banks, Buck and Obie Trice (who, incidentally, delivers an incredible verse on “Drama Setter”, along side Yayo and Em) it is Yayo who shines throughoutrepparttar 148599 album with his playful punchlines (“Steven Segal, I used to love his karate / But even he snitched on Peter Gotti”) and unmatched charisma. Tony Yayo can’t be stopped. He’s been patiently waiting, polishing his skills and preparing for fame and fortune for so long that it is doubtful anything can slow his roll. Real recognizes real, and Tony Yayo isrepparttar 148600 real talk of New York. Braaa-ttttt!

Tony Yayo

Nothing here, thank you.

Beginner Guitar Tips: How to Get a Feel

Written by John Stockwell

Continued from page 1

But first you have to feel it inside your head, heart and soul.

Try listening to your favorite music with your eyes closed and no distractions. Take notice ofrepparttar way it effects you.

What do you feel? Is it joy? sadness? anger? frustration? love? pride?

The feeling will sweep over your whole body. Take notice of this feeling. Stoprepparttar 148581 music and try and reproduce this feeling.

Once you can reproducerepparttar 148582 feeling grab your guitar and play.

Don’t play a song you already know, just play some chords and see what happens. Don’t think just feel and play. Visualize where you want to be - then start taking a small step inrepparttar 148583 direction of your desire. Start with simple, easy to attain visualizations. No need to make them gigantic. Build confidence as you move alongrepparttar 148584 path.

And as your confidence grows, so will momentum.

Pretty soon you're literally steam-rolling over obstacles that once seemed huge.

John Stockwell is a guitar player and the author of the acclaimed "Mind Over Music for Guitar", a unique approach to learning to play the guitar by ear for beginners to advanced students.

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