Tobacco IS NOT Just Another Consumer Product!

Written by Colin R. Williams

Continued from page 1

However this will inadvertently cause unnecessary emotional trauma for many smokers being forced to stop smoking without access to comprehensive educational programs. Educational programs are essential for smokers to LEARN how to overcomerepparttar many internal and external psychological influences associated with nicotine addiction.

The multi-million dollar NRT industry, which seems to be riding very nicely onrepparttar 114082 back ofrepparttar 114083 trillion dollar tobacco market, seems to target smokers and tobacco users with a very narrow medical approach, and as Alan I. Leshner Ph.D. Director ofrepparttar 114084 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) once quoted “Science has also shown that treating addiction with medications alone is not nearly as effective as when coupled with a behavioral approach.” [source NIDA]

The world is facing a major health epidemic as a result of smoking and tobacco related diseases. Over 450,000 people will die this year inrepparttar 114085 US alone from these diseases. These are very serious issues and my soap box plea is that tobacco is not thought of as 'just another consumer product', it isrepparttar 114086 source ofrepparttar 114087 world’s greatest deception.

If you would like more information about Quit Smoking…NOW - It’s Easier Than You Think! Log onto

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Colin R. Williams is a Quit Smoking Personal Coach and Seminar Presenter. He is the author of a new book titled Quit Smoking…NOW - It’s Easier Than You Think! Colin is passionate about helping people to quit smoking and teaches how anyone who REALLY SERIOUSLY wants to quit will and can destroy their nicotine addiction…forever.

Magnetic Therapy for Pain Relief

Written by Alfred Jones

Continued from page 1

A large number of people feel heat when sleeping on a magnetic underlay, this is quite normal, this increases vasculation, oxygenation, balancing of energy flow and stimulation ofrepparttar Lymphatic System.

Magnetic Therapy today is being used to treat many illnesses and painful conditions, it is a Natural Therapy, that really has no adverse side effects, you should increase your intake of pure water, to helprepparttar 114081 waste and toxins flush fromrepparttar 114082 body, you might feel a little hot, but if you are in a cold climate, this is probably a beneficial side effect.

Scientists are researchingrepparttar 114083 therapy andrepparttar 114084 benefits of treating colds and flu arthritis, reduction of stress and nervous problems. It has even been tried on people with partial damage torepparttar 114085 spinal cord.

A number of famous people are using Magnetic Therapy, including Hollywood Stars and even one ex US President. Magnets have become an interest torepparttar 114086 medical world. The powerful effects of healing through magnetism on thousands of patients, has caused some doctors to have another look atrepparttar 114087 situation.

Magnets themselves of course don’t heal anything; they stimulaterepparttar 114088 body into healing itself. The body has a Natural Healing system installed at conception, this isrepparttar 114089 Immune System, but if it does no harm, why not give this system a bit of a boost along. The Immune System has quite a struggle in our modern day, fightingrepparttar 114090 effects of Chemicals, Pesticides, Herbicides gasses and a million other things that we eat, drink and breathe daily.

We have natural products that could be classed as a Vitamin for Boostingrepparttar 114091 Immune System. Please check our websites.

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