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What results is brutal mass killing of upward of 50 million birds or more although transmission to humans is very low. At some point in their lifetime, most people have likely consumed meat from a chicken that was a virus carrier.
Mad Cow Disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy/BSE)
Mad Cow Disease is commonly used name for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), a slowly progressive, degenerative, fatal disease affecting central nervous system of adult cattle. (4.) The disease is spread by moving animals from country to country and by mixing dead animal tissue (brain and spinal cord) in cattle feed. What resulted from lack of concern for cattle, themselves, was a widespread slaughter of millions of animals.
Because we have evolved to a mass producing species, animals have become a means to fulfilling our gluttonous desires and obsessions. Somewhere along evolutionary ladder, we decided that it was ok to brutalize animals as long it benefits or amuses us.
We can’t help but wonder if human race will become its own worst enemy that cannot be defeated. We should look to our past, at traditional native peoples’ respect for animals they hunted. We can learn so much from our past, not just mistakes.
1. Native Americans of North America. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Standard 2004 Arlene Hirschfelder, Ned Blackhawk, Trudy Griffin-Pierce, David J. Meltzer, Carl Waldman © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 2. Dr Hugh Buck Avian Influenza – a veterinary doctor's opinion © 2004 BirdLife. The global bird conservation alliance working together for birds and people. Retrieved April 3 2004 3. Dr Hugh Buck Avian Influenza – a veterinary doctor's opinion © 2004 BirdLife 4. Commonly Asked Questions About BSE in Products Regulated by FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) FDA/Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition January 14, 2004; Updated January 30, 2004 Retrieved April 3 2004
Copyright 2004 © TrysDan Roberts word count: 757 words
TrysDan Roberts is a freelance writer and published author of the novel, The Sinking Of Noah's Ark, as well as several published short stories. Permission is granted to post any of TrysDan's articles that have been submitted to on websites provided that the author is acknowledged and the link to the authors site, is placed in the authors bio.