To Do or NOT to Do…That is the Question!

Written by Kathy Paauw

Continued from page 1

* What do you want to do and who do you want to be during your lifetime? * What legacy do you want to leave behind? How will your life have made a difference on this Earth?

NEXT, get clear about what you choose to do with your time. What are YOUR key roles?

* What do you choose to say YES to? What are you most passionate about? What are you best at doing? * What do you choose to say NO to? What are you not passionate about that you are currently involved in? Review your calendar and your regular activities, and ask yourself if what you give your time to is most important to you? * How can you best honor your own health and well-being (physical, mental, spiritual, social needs) * Does your life feel balanced among all of your key roles? (Example: parent, spouse, friend, volunteer, professional, hobbyist, etc.) THEN, lightenrepparttar load. Free up your time for what matters most. * Make lists ofrepparttar 101999 following:

** Commitments you will renegotiate that are not important or are less important to you.

** Activities that simply don't need to get done - things you choose to let go of.

** A "Perhaps List" of things you might do or that you plan to do but choose to defer for later. For more information on a Perhaps list visit:

** A Delegation list. If you don't enjoy doing it or are not good at doing it, delegate as much as possible. Visit for tips on delegation.

* Schedule time forrepparttar 102000 following:

** Activities that will honor your own health and well-being.

** Activities which are important to you. Build in balance as you consider your key roles. Be aware of your self-talk. This is not about "have to" or "should." It's about what you choose.

** Time to do weekly planning. Keeping a weekly planning appointment with yourself will help you stay more focused onrepparttar 102001 deeper YES so you can JUST SAY NO torepparttar 102002 rest! Visit for more help on weekly planning.

** Time for family meetings. One common theme I hear from my clients is that they want to spend more time withrepparttar 102003 family. Work, responsibilities, and over committed schedules seem to berepparttar 102004 biggest obstacle. The Family Meeting (an article you can view at ) provides an important opportunity for communication and planning as a family.

JUST SAY YES! "The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." --Stephen Covey If you're still procrastinating around doingrepparttar 102005 most important things you want or choose to do, here are ten tips to help get you moving:

1. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Break larger projects into manageable "bites" and create a reasonable timeline for you to accomplish these smaller tasks.

2. Remember that each project expands torepparttar 102006 time allotted to it, so set a limit for yourself: I am going to return all my phone calls in an hour. I will file papers for 30 minutes. I will spend 15 minutes picking up aroundrepparttar 102007 house. Set a timer. You will be amazed how much you can get done when you focus your time. My clients report that they are much more efficient and effective when they set a time limit for specific tasks.

3. Check your self-talk. Do you frequently say, "I gotta…," "I should…," or "I have to…"? Replace this self-talk with "I choose to…" and recognize that you are at choice about what you do. If you don't choose to do it, don't do it!

4. Eat a live toad first thing inrepparttar 102008 morning, and nothing worse will happen to yourepparttar 102009 rest ofrepparttar 102010 day. Tackle that "toad" -repparttar 102011 important task you have been putting off,repparttar 102012 one that is hanging over your head -- because it will lift an immense load and you will feel much more productive.

5. Train yourself to trimrepparttar 102013 F.A.T. rimthefat.html. When papers come into your office or home, give yourself these three choices: File, Act, Toss. (Note that "I'll just put it here for now" is not one ofrepparttar 102014 choices.)

6. Relieve yourself ofrepparttar 102015 stress caused by all ofrepparttar 102016 clutter in your home and office by setting up some systems to managerepparttar 102017 paper in your life. A good filing system and a tickler file system are essential elements. A good system will make a huge difference in your ability to effectively manage paper and prevent important activities from slipping throughrepparttar 102018 cracks.

7. Make a weekly appointment with yourself to plan your coming week. During your planning session, schedule important activities and tasks so you have a concrete plan for following through with your intentions.

8. When planning your time, include both urgent (time-sensitive) and non-urgent but important activities in your plan. An example of an urgent activity might be a meeting or a project with an upcoming deadline. A non-urgent activity might be exercise or relationship-building - something important but not time-sensitive or deadline-driven.

9. Make appointments with yourself to get administrative work done, such as paying bills or catching up with your reading. Treat this time as you would an appointment with someone else.

10. Take 15 minutes atrepparttar 102019 end of each day to put things away and look atrepparttar 102020 calendar forrepparttar 102021 next day. Gather what you need ahead of time so you will be prepared for tomorrow.

March 3-9 is National Procrastination Week. If you're ready to get unstuck and March Forth, I'd be delighted to assist you inrepparttar 102022 process. Email me at to request your complimentary coaching session.

Kathy Paauw, is a certified business/personal coach and organizing consultant. She works with individuals who are dedicated to moving their lives forward in powerful ways by helping them declutter their schedules, spaces and minds. Contact her at Visit to learn how you can Find ANYTHING in 5 Seconds - guaranteed! Subscribe to her free monthly PaauwerTools ezine

Not Making A Choice Is A Choice

Written by Coach Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, MS, PCC, CTC

Continued from page 1

Not making a choice can be a dangerous choice. When we decide not to choose, we decide to give our personal power away. We give our power away either to a person or situation. Making a choice, even if it is only how we will respond to a situation, allows us to maintain our personal power.

Making choices, and being mindful of our choices, is important because it not only helps us maintain our personal power, but also to take responsibility forrepparttar outcome. By taking responsibility, we remove ourselves fromrepparttar 101998 role of victim. Being a victim is a weak position to be in and removes choices we may otherwise have. To claim our personal power, we must make choices and acceptrepparttar 101999 responsibility for those choices.

Make a choice; even a poor choice is better than no choice at all.

Coach Lee, an International Professional Business & Personal Coach with 17 years of corporate management experience has a Masters Degree in Management, is a faculty member at the Univ. of Phoenix, a trainer for Coach University, the International Coach Academy and Colorado Free University. She is a published writer and often quoted as an expert in coaching. Coach Lee is currently earning a Doctorate Degree in Applied Management and Decision Sciences with a specialization in Business Coaching.

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