Titanium 101.... There is a difference

Written by Tom Erwin

Continued from page 1

Titanium’s 15-3-3-3 and SP700 offer tradeoffs when considering which may be better to seek when making your next purchase. 15-3-3-3 hasrepparttar highest tensile strength ofrepparttar 133076 2 but a smaller elongation percentage. Meanwhile, SP700 still possesses considerable tensile strength but does add a few percentage points inrepparttar 133077 category of elongation. How does this translate? SP700, through its’ higher elongation figure, can impart more spring upon impact and thus deliver more energy torepparttar 133078 golf ball thereby increasing distance.

So what arerepparttar 133079 trade off’s? Simply put—dollars for distance. Though this figure varies widely,repparttar 133080 SP700 titanium is typically a bit more expensive thanrepparttar 133081 15-3-3-3, usually onrepparttar 133082 order of $20 - $40. This amount is oftentimes minimized by using SP700 strictly inrepparttar 133083 face ofrepparttar 133084 driver head. Also,repparttar 133085 higher one’s clubhead speed,repparttar 133086 more realized benefit that could be realized fromrepparttar 133087 increased spring effect of SP700. Golfers with a lower swing speed may not notice substantial yardage gains when comparingrepparttar 133088 two and therefore may not wish to pay this premium. Truly though, it is hard to go wrong with using either titanium as both offer such incredible playing characteristics, such vast improvements over stainless steel

Please feel free to visit TourPureGolf.com (http://www.tourpuregolf.com), where we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding clubheads, titanium, golf technology etc. We have a wealth of knowledge obtained from over 20 years of experience in designing and building golf clubs. We specialize in onlyrepparttar 133089 best in tour quality golf clubs and equipment and using onlyrepparttar 133090 finest in materials. Inferior grades of titanium will never be tolerated with us.

You can visit our website to learn more about our club selection and how selection of clubs can dramatically improve your golf game.

Tom Erwin is President and co-founder of TourPureGolf.com (http://www.tourpuregolf.com). An avid golfer and club-craftsman for 20+ years, he and the staff at TourPureGolf.com are strictly focused on improving the golf game of each customer through technology and the proper fit of each golf club.

My God...It's Full of Stars!

Written by Paul Bliss

Continued from page 1

This isrepparttar time forrepparttar 133075 NHL to break away from it's early and conservative 20th century thinking, and embracerepparttar 133076 new century with a new sense of purpose. They can't say there are no examples, as all one has to do is look atrepparttar 133077 NFL. True,repparttar 133078 NFL hasrepparttar 133079 biggest TV contract, but they changed their game to fit whatrepparttar 133080 audience wanted, which in turn is what will sell advertising revenue.

Americans love heroes. We loverepparttar 133081 underdog too. Every hockey game has these elements. Back inrepparttar 133082 80'srepparttar 133083 big bad Oliers led by Gretzky coming into town was an event - because you knew you were going to see many goals scored, they wererepparttar 133084 defending champs, and they hadrepparttar 133085 best player at that time. Of courserepparttar 133086 hometown team didn't have much of a chance to beat them, or did they?

People want more than justrepparttar 133087 action ofrepparttar 133088 sport. Just about every sport played professionally can be played by any spectator. What makes a game great isrepparttar 133089 added element of drama. The guy who takes 20 stitches to his face inrepparttar 133090 1st period, and then comes back in to scorerepparttar 133091 game-winning goal inrepparttar 133092 3rd. That's what people love to talk about. That's whyrepparttar 133093 playoffs are so exciting - every game has certainty, and a new hero is born every playoff year. Most go back into obscurityrepparttar 133094 following year, while some maintain that momentum forrepparttar 133095 rest of their careers.

It's from these moments of transformations when you see that 2nd-line winger becoming a clutch goal-scoring power forward.

It's in these moments when a spectator begins to believe that this former unkown player is not just good, but that they are a gamer.

It's in these moments that a spectator believes that player can win a game for them at any moment. It's one ofrepparttar 133096 rare times one can witness a hero being born. This is why a team will always haverepparttar 133097 passion of a spectator, but a hero will always have their hearts.

That is whatrepparttar 133098 NHL needs to display. Office talk. Spectacular highlights. Things that people remember seeing. Things thatrepparttar 133099 average human can't do, but a professional athlete can. This why Americans identify so well to heroes. It'srepparttar 133100 belief that at any given moment in time, that they too, could be great, if only for a brief shining moment.

Paul has been a rabid Hockey fan since he first fell on face on the ice when he was 5. Since then, he's come to appreciate the skill and talent needed to become a great NHLer. Paul can be reached at: paul.bliss@gmail.com

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