Tips on Boosting Small Biz Profits

Written by Bea Fields

Continued from page 1

6. Use a headset.

Talking onrepparttar phone for a few hours a day can be draining for evenrepparttar 106065 heartiest of entrepreneurs. Headsets allow increased productivity, as they can free up your hands and allow you to think more creatively while roaming around during a telephone conversation.

7. Turn invoices into a marketing communication tool.

On your invoices, add computer-generated messages that promote upcoming events, new products or services, or seasonal specials and announcements. This one act can enable your customers to understand more about your company and how they can effectively do business with you.

8. Do your homework!

Before you can do business with someone, it is crucial to know his or her business inside and out. Turn torepparttar 106066 internet, library, or callrepparttar 106067 company directly to dig for information aboutrepparttar 106068 company or industry. You will be much better prepared to meetrepparttar 106069 needs of a prospective client by conducting thorough research in advance.

9. Polish your presentation skills.

Even if you haverepparttar 106070 most sophisticated technology, you cannot make a sale if you have not polished your presentation skills. Tips: Stay loose, stand or sit solidly (not stiff), connect with your audience by using terms they understand, and share your passion. Your enthusiasm, excitement, and energy can make or break a presentation.

10. Be dedicated to learning.

If you are learning, you are growing. Hitrepparttar 106071 books, go back to school, and surround yourself with people who are "inrepparttar 106072 know." You are never too old to learn new things, which can translate into better business, effective management techniques, and innovation.

This article was written and submitted by Bea Fields. Bea is a Business Coach, Consultant, Trainer, and Public Speaker. Her area of expertise is that of Environmental Design and Leadership Development for Executives, Managers, Small Business Owners, and Political Leaders. She may be contacted at or visited on the web at

8 Steps to Creating a Simple Business Plan for 2003

Written by Herman Drost

Continued from page 1

7. Financial plan - a business can operate without budgets, but it is clearly good business practice to include it. With budgets, you will be more likely to achieve your business objectives, you will make more-reasoned decisions and you will have better control of your cash flow.

For any period, a cash flow statement would include: - The cash and credit sales (or accounts receivable) expected to be received duringrepparttar period. - The anticipated cash payments (for example, expenses for purchases, salaries, utility charges, taxes, office expenses etc.) - A description of other incoming and outgoing cash, with a calculation ofrepparttar 106064 overall cash balance.

This will assess how much money is on hand to meet your financial obligations - what cash has been received and what has been paid out. Knowledge of this cash flow cycle will help you predict when you will receive funds and when you will be required to make a payment.

8. Measuring and evaluation - you wrote your business plan and setrepparttar 106065 goals withrepparttar 106066 intent of achieving them. So now break them down into measurable pieces and monitorrepparttar 106067 results regularly. A plan that cannot be measured is almost always destined for failure. Celebrate your wins and recharge yourself to accomplish your next goal.

Decide beforehand what constitutes a real serious loss and what loss will be acceptable.

If you find your goals are unrealistic and unattainable, adjust them, but realize that it takes hard work to achieve them, so don't give up easily.

Conclusion: Now that you have a business plan, make it a part of you by knowing and understanding it clearly. Build upon it continuously and refer to it often, so you remain on track to building a profitable business.


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Herman Drost is the author of the new ebook "101 Highly Effective Strategies to Promote Your Web Site" a powerful guide for attracting 1000s of visitors to your web site.

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