Tips for Discreet Breastfeeding in Public

Written by Carrie Lauth

Continued from page 1

4) Nurse atrepparttar first signs of hunger.

A nursing baby generally draws less attention than a screaming one! So latch your baby on as soon as you notice that s/he is hungry...rooting, sucking on fist, grimacing face, etc. A crying baby also makes you nervous and you and baby may take longer to get latched on comfortably.

5) Try turning your body away while you latch on.

If you're sitting at a table in a restaurant, simply turn your body away fromrepparttar 144829 table briefly while you latch baby on, then resume your normal position.

6) Try nursing clothes.

These are designed to cover your belly for more discreet breastfeeding. Or simply wear a thin top under a cardigan or other shirt. You can also make your own nursing top by cutting slits in a tank and wearing it under another shirt. And always pull up your shirt fromrepparttar 144830 bottom instead of unbuttoning fromrepparttar 144831 top to nurse.

7) Bring a book or large purse to set in your lap to camouflage.

Your diaper bag would also work. Set it in front of baby on your knees while you latch baby on. Or hold a book so that your baby's head and your breast are out of view.

And lastly...

8) Be confident!

You are doing something that is best for you and baby and that billions of women all overrepparttar 144832 world for thousands of years have done. Be proud of yourself and give passersby a warm smile. You'd be surprised how often people will smile back or even approach with a commendation or anecdote about their own children.

Enjoy nursing your baby!

Carrie Lauth is a breastfeeding educator and publishes a newsletter full of helpful resources for Moms doing things the natural way. Get your free copy at

New Hope to Prevent Breast Cancer: What Every Woman Needs to Know

Written by David L. Kern

Continued from page 1

Now, a new study from Cornell shows that apple polyphenols are also anti-metastatic- they seem to prevent cancers from spreading. This is a crucial finding for those at risk for breast cancer, as well as survivors ofrepparttar disease.

Can I Just Eat More Apples?

In nearly allrepparttar 144496 available studies,repparttar 144497 highest benefit from apple polyphenols comes withrepparttar 144498 highest intake. The Cornell scientists saidrepparttar 144499 highest benefit was seen in rats eatingrepparttar 144500 "human equivalent" of six apples a day.

There is no question that phytochemicals in apples are good for you. And one way to get more of them is to substantially increaserepparttar 144501 number of apples in your diet. But there's a problem...

Aside fromrepparttar 144502 difficulty and expense of eating that many apples (42 apples a week), there is another important health issue- pesticides. Apples are one ofrepparttar 144503 "dirtiest" foods inrepparttar 144504 U.S. when it comes to pesticides.

A Perfect Solution?

If you or someone you love is at risk for breast cancer, you need to knowrepparttar 144505 answers to these three questions:

1. How many different pesticides are lurking in your apples?

2. Does washingrepparttar 144506 fruit take care ofrepparttar 144507 problem? (This one may shock you.)

3. How can you get these apple phytochemicals with zero risk of pesticides?

Getrepparttar 144508 answers by clickingrepparttar 144509 link atrepparttar 144510 end of this article now...

David L. Kern is a researcher and publisher of New Health & Longevity, a newsletter devoted to the latest advances in medical nutritional science. Get the full story on this new health discovery now at

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