Tips for Conducting "In Person" (face-to-face) Interviews

Written by Jill Black

Continued from page 1

Holdingrepparttar recorder in your non-writing hand allows you to operaterepparttar 102015 on/off button and to write any notations if needed with your other hand.

Never thrustrepparttar 102016 recorder in a persons face as they will feel self-conscious, causing them to become tongue-tied and awkward.

Use your notebook forrepparttar 102017 accurate spelling of names (companies,locations etc), jotting down a few main points and perhaps some question reminders for later.

Be careful when recording that you don't loose concentration as this will "deaden" an interview.

Listen carefully to what is being said and be sure to understandrepparttar 102018 answers otherwise it will be difficult to write clearly enough for your readers.

If you don't understand something ask! "Can you put it into simpler language?" or "Can you clarify that a little more".

If a person is evasive of a question or doesn't give an answer, askrepparttar 102019 question in a different way and at another point in your interview.

If someone gives "offrepparttar 102020 record information" turnrepparttar 102021 recorder off. Don't do too many offrepparttar 102022 record interviews as they don't contribute torepparttar 102023 information you require (your time is valuable). Always Guiderepparttar 102024 interview process, but don't dominate it. Ifrepparttar 102025 person strays too far fromrepparttar 102026 subject at hand,then quickly guiderepparttar 102027 person back. Don't forget to turnrepparttar 102028 recorder back on whenrepparttar 102029 interview proceeds again.

Tip: When you get home label your cassettes as you fill them so there is no chance of accidentally tapeing over information you want to keep.

Always Keeprepparttar 102030 cassette on file in case someone should ever claim they have been misquoted.

Ifrepparttar 102031 interview is likely to be in any way contentiousrepparttar 102032 cassette should remain in your file for at least a year or two.

=> Photographs withrepparttar 102033 interview:

There are times when you may need to use a photograph of a person forrepparttar 102034 project you are working on.

TIP: If you take photographs, always get a signed agreement before taking them and as a safeguard for yourself have them sign a Model Release Consent form. There have been many cases when a person's photo has been used without his/her prior consent andrepparttar 102035 person has sued for modeling fees, invasion of privacy, or for various other reasons.

Take any photos you require atrepparttar 102036 end of an interview when repparttar 102037 person is relaxed.

If possible haverepparttar 102038 person do something that is relevant torepparttar 102039 interview rather than just standing or sitting.

Alternatively photographrepparttar 102040 person in surroundings that have meaning torepparttar 102041 theme ofrepparttar 102042 interview.

If this is not possible then just take a mug shot (a facial close up) that you can use.

Note: People will sometimes cross outrepparttar 102043 word electronic on a consent form and only permit their photo to be used in a print publication. For a variety of personal reasons they may not want their picture to be used onrepparttar 102044 Internet. Always respect their request if this isrepparttar 102045 case.

=> Ask open-ended questions:

Asking open-ended questions instead of ones that invite a yes or no answer will give more interesting responses.

These questions usually begin with who, what, when, where and how, and cannot be answered with a straight yes or not.

Example: "When did you get into writing?" "what made you decide on this particular area of writing"? etc.

This type of questioning setsrepparttar 102046 framework ofrepparttar 102047 interview and is a useful tool when digging for significant information. (also you will have plenty of useable material atrepparttar 102048 end ofrepparttar 102049 interview).

Write uprepparttar 102050 information within hours ofrepparttar 102051 interview if possible or at least within a day or so.

As a courtesy, offer to sendrepparttar 102052 person you have just interviewed a copy of your article (send them a press clipping) or to send them a free copy of your finished ebook.

NOTE: The person being interviewed does not get any payment for doing an interview.

For more resources and ideas on developing a home business writing and e-publishing online visit "Net Writing and e-Publishing Success" at

This Twenty Six Hour Day Is Not Fiction! A Book Review

Written by Mike Banks Valentine

Continued from page 1

* Bit by Bit, The Amazing Power of Five Minutes

This section emphasizes devoting a simple five minutes to gradual progress toward seemingly huge goals on a daily basis. Slow and steady winsrepparttar race might describe this approach. He refers to this technique throughoutrepparttar 102014 book in varied ways to suggest that progress doesn't have to be measured in tireless devoted hours of struggle, but can be achieved much more easily "bit by bit."

* Moments, The Secret of Life

As a teenager, I wondered what my life might look like as a two hour movie and imagined what little slices of time might make it torepparttar 102015 final cut (as I experienced one of my first identity crises upon finishing high school). Panella suggests that all of our lives are much like that and are defined by individual moments of positive accomplishment and that all lives are made up of a collection of small moments we strongly identify with and remember powerfully.

The striking concept he delivers inrepparttar 102016 book is that we not only have that inventory of past moments, but that we should consider steadily depositing in a bank account of moments from each day, and further, that we consider investing to accumulate a wealth of moments. "Every day, consciously look to create significant and simple moments" to add to your "moments account".

* Maximizing Any Experience

"Before any event or experience . . . simply ask yourself how prepared you are . . . forrepparttar 102017 event. You'll go through details in your head and take a subjective measurement . . . Then you'll ask yourself what you can do to makerepparttar 102018 event a little better ahead of time. You'll repeat asking this question . . . listing your answers . . . When complete, you'll have a laundry list of actions to maximizerepparttar 102019 event . . . You get to play armchair quarterback ahead of time. You pull yourself back and look atrepparttar 102020 big picture with a chance to make positive changes. Something we fail to do more times than not."

"Maximizing almost seems too easy." Indeed it does, but what a powerful tool if we only developedrepparttar 102021 habit.

The 26 Hour Day, I'm convinced, is a real possibility in terms of maximising events, investing in our moments with sincere gratitude and bit by bit, in multiple five minute increments, we can gain additional value from our alloted time.

Vince Panella has unwittingly given merepparttar 102022 blueprint for my New Years Resolutions for 2002. I'm committed to investing significant time to his program of continual success improvement overrepparttar 102023 coming year.

Mike Valentine does Search Engine Placement for the Small Business WebSite101 "Reading List" Weekly Netrepreneur Tip Sheet Weekly Ezine emphasizing small business on the Internet

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