Tips for Choosing Log Furniture

Written by Cari Haus

Continued from page 1

Shopping for Quality

Not all log furniture is created equal—no matter how stylish or comfortable it may be. The quality ofrepparttar materials used in log furniture, andrepparttar 111262 craftsmanship employed, vary widely—and this is often reflected inrepparttar 111263 price. While there are always some bargains to be had, it is quite true that you get what you pay for in log furniture. With this thought in mind, buyrepparttar 111264 best furniture you can. It will look better and last longer if you do. In addition, look for all-wood or solid-wood furniture (as opposed to veneered plywood or particle boards). Solid wood furniture tends to show less wear atrepparttar 111265 joints and fittings, and also reacts better to seasonal moisture changes. Look for well-fitted, carefully crafted connections. Dove-tailed drawers are especially known for holding together well. If you want your furniture to be finished, look for a long-lasting, tough and evenly applied coating. A word torepparttar 111266 wise: unless you are experienced in applying furniture finish, leaverepparttar 111267 finishing up torepparttar 111268 furniture manufacturer.

Choosing a Log Furniture Store

Letrepparttar 111269 buyer beware—there is a wide variety of customer service between log furniture stores. If you are looking to buy on line, look for a store where quality furniture and customer service are both top priorities. I have seen log furniture manufacturers and stores that always deliver late, and I have seen some who deliver on-time with shoddy quality. Look for testimonials onrepparttar 111270 site you are considering. Call and talk to a salesman atrepparttar 111271 log furniture store. A word torepparttar 111272 wise—log furniture websites that merely drop ship log furniture have a lot less control over quality than those who building, finish and/or shiprepparttar 111273 furniture themselves. The ideal online log furniture store has many repeat customers who not only purchase again from their store, but recommend them to others. Quality stores are interested in more than a quick sale. They understandrepparttar 111274 value of delivering top-quality log furniture—furniture that will last a lifetime and add a truly rustic touch to your home.

Cari Haus has successfully sold log furniture on the Internet since 1997. Currently she is webmaster for Log Cabin Rustics,

"Bad Boys/Good Boys" -- The Pitfalls Of Being An Insensitive Dad

Written by Lee Wise

Continued from page 1

That's my part.

Yours will be to reflect on each aspect as you read it one more time. Reflect on it throughrepparttar lens of how you would have liked to be treated as a young-person-in-the-making.

"I adjust

My expectations

According to

The needs,

Maturity level

And emotional capabilities

Ofrepparttar 111261 child

I am relating to

Atrepparttar 111262 moment."


Respect says...

"I see this person entrusted to my care as one who is worthy of my honor, approval and love."

This mental stance provides for me a frame. A frame I wrap around my child *to begin with.* The child is worthy of my honor, approval and love -- fromrepparttar 111263 beginning.

It is a part ofrepparttar 111264 package each child should *sense* in me from "Day One" so-to-speak.


Humility says...

"Because I am still learning, I give my child space and time to learn."

"Because I still fail, I forgive and support my child when he or she fails."

"Because I respond poorly when people are angry with me for reasons I do not understand, I resist all uncontrolled and self-centered anger when dealing with my child."


Compassion says...

"I am a 'show and tell' person.

*I show my child I care. *I tell my child I care."

"I strive to be gentle, not harsh."

"I care and my child senses it."


Love says... all ofrepparttar 111265 above.


Let me make something perfectly clear: children can -- and do -- hurt their parents.

Good parents. Parents who in a very real sense lay down their lives for their kids and still get kicked inrepparttar 111266 guts while trying to help their children be happy and succeed in life.

These parents know a special kind of pain. A pain that no one really wants to understand. I salute those parents.

You may be one of them.

So my disclaimer is...

*I realize this is a two-sided fence

*My purpose is not to add guilt to a conscience already plagued byrepparttar 111267 "Why's" of their child's bad attitudes and behavior -- in spite of hundreds of hours of trying to do what's right.

Rather, if you happen to be one of those parents -- and especially a dad since that isrepparttar 111268 topic of these comments -- I want you to hear these words:

"I thank you for trying."

I thank you for trying and forrepparttar 111269 lonely hours you have spent that only you, and possibly your spouse -- and God -- knows about...

The tears. The heartache andrepparttar 111270 pain that goes on and on as each new report surfaces about some action or attitude your child has displayed."

For those times, tears and heartache -- I reflect to you my appreciation. And I'm sure I represent only one of many voices that would echorepparttar 111271 same to you if they could. Therefore, review these comments and take note of each positive thing you have done. Take a bow. You deserve it."

Yours for a day filled with beautiful moments in time,

Lee ------------------------------- Lee is a seminary administrator, has a part-time business at home, and writes two motivational ezines: "A Beautiful Moment In Time" and "Hope For Daily Living." Permission is given to distribute article. This paragraph must be included. Email: Link:

Lee is a Seminary Administrator, has a part-time home business, and enjoys writing two family friendly ezines that are motivational in nature.

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