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These memory nuggets consist of anecdotes, facts, statistics, stories, or something unlikely, unusual, controversial, shocking, funny, humorous, romantic, poignant, emotionally moving, or dramatic.
6. Make sure you're blurbable. By definition, a blurb is a very short advertisement or statement about a topic, product or idea. For example, many book jackets have blurbs about book, or what people have said about book. The average sound bite on television is 10 seconds, so it takes some intensive practice to say something meaningful about your book or topic in such a short period of time. Practice with a timer until you can speak your message in 10 to 20 seconds. 7. Get booked on local shows first. Even before you consider approaching Oprah with your idea, get practice on your local news and talk shows. This will give you a chance to fine-tune your sound bites so you won't be shocked by speed of national television. Many people don't realize that Oprah Show isn't a platform for their subject. When you're on show as a guest you'll typically have a total of one to seven minutes to communicate your entire message-in 10 to 20-second increments. Once you have a good feel for rhythm of television, you'll feel more relaxed and ready.
8. Wow producers with brevity. Remember, moment you open your mouth you are auditioning. Keep your list of talking points by phone when you call a producer (or a producer calls you) so you'll be succinct. You will already have rehearsed them so that they sound natural and inviting. Make sure all your points are targeted exactly to angle you're proposing-making you (and your product or book) irresistible on air.
Smile! You're on Oprah Now that you know what it takes to pitch an idea to Oprah, you need to know what to do when you actually appear on show.
1. Connect with your eyes. It is very important to maintain eye contact with Winfrey 100 percent of time when she addresses you. This means while you're talking and while you're listening. Audiences believe that you're sincere and knowledgeable if you keep consistent, soft eye contact.
2. Create a "Top Five" list. Help your audience remember you by developing a "Top Five" list to be projected on-screen so all your key points will be illustrated visually as you discuss them. This is also a secret way to keep Winfrey on track. Once she's stated that you'll cover five points, she has to help move you through all of them or her audience will feel cheated. Making this list guarantees you more airtime.
At request of producers speaker and author Victoria Moran, who wrote Lit From Within (HarperSanFrancisco) created a quiz for a show on vanity with questions like, "Are you constantly comparing your appearance to other women's? Does way you look in morning determine your mood for day?" After Winfrey got her guests to answer, she asked Moran to comment. She got five chances to speak-totaling one minute and 33 seconds.
3. Bring visual props. Visual props add liveliness and helps your viewers remember your points, which indirectly translates into buying your product or book. Let producers know how you plan to use your prop(s) ahead of time. During show you also need to direct cameraman to your object by pointing to it or holding it up to cue them for a close-up. 4. Introduce yourself with a stellar sound bite. On television your very first utterance sets tone for all information you plan to deliver. Say something that instantly brings focus to your most important message that ties into your book.
With dedicated practice, channeling your passion, enthusiasm, and knowledge about your subject will come across to your audience, and people will naturally want to know more about you, your products and your services.
Get more than 100 pages of techniques and hot tips like these in "The Ultimate Guide to Getting Booked on Oprah." Get advice on the best ways to pitch producers, and insider secrets from the best publicists in the business. Get your FREE chapter excerpts today! Get your FREE monthly newsletter of publicity and marketing tips (a $197/year value!) at