Tips For The Job Searcher

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

Control your interviews - Most people go into a job interview in a passive, controlled state. They answer some questions, take a few tests perhaps and fill in a few forms. Virtually everything is underrepparttar control ofrepparttar 101831 job seeker.

I've found a more assertive approach can be more fruitful, and certainly it feels more fulfilling. Go intorepparttar 101832 interview with a pad of paper and writing materials. Be surerepparttar 101833 pad has a list of questions for your potential employer, as well as some notes about their company. When you meetrepparttar 101834 employer, introduce yourself assertively. Listen well, but also ask lots of questions and, most importantly, show off your knowledge ofrepparttar 101835 company, position and if possible, your interviewer. Showrepparttar 101836 person you have done your homework.

Search forrepparttar 101837 problems - Find out what kind of problems your potential employer is attempting to solve. Ideally, you should try and do some of this beforerepparttar 101838 interview (with good research) if you can. However, it's perfectly acceptable to askrepparttar 101839 interviewer aboutrepparttar 101840 position and aboutrepparttar 101841 situation. Once you find out what they are attempting to solve by hiring you, then you can inform them how you can help them solve those problems.

Build a rapport - Be friendly and listen. Listen well. Keep your ears peeled for anything which you and your interviewer have in common. For example, if you determine that he likes opera and you just saw "Cats", then you might get into a discussion about it. Back off fast if you find it's not a good subject - otherwise, be animated and happy about it. Why are you doing this? Because a huge part ofrepparttar 101842 interview process isrepparttar 101843 interviewer is determining if you are someone he or she wants to work with. By having common likes (or dislikes) you make yourself more friendly to them.

An example - Let's say you are being interviewed for an accounting position. You gotrepparttar 101844 reference from an interview a few days ago, andrepparttar 101845 person who referred you explainedrepparttar 101846 last person left without notice, and they needed someone who could figure outrepparttar 101847 mess fast. The night beforerepparttar 101848 interview, you check outrepparttar 101849 company onrepparttar 101850 internet and find out some basic facts (what it does, how many employees and so on). While waiting inrepparttar 101851 lobby, you talk torepparttar 101852 receptionist and find outrepparttar 101853 person doing your interview likes movies, especially science fiction movies.

When you get torepparttar 101854 interview, you can userepparttar 101855 information about movies and science fiction to relax your interviewer and get into some conversation. Now asrepparttar 101856 interviewer explains whatrepparttar 101857 job is about and asksrepparttar 101858 usual questions, you can mention that you are very good at stepping into chaotic situations and organizing them. If you have past experience at this, you should mention it. Drop some facts aboutrepparttar 101859 company intorepparttar 101860 conversation as well to show you are informed and care. You might give some examples of how you got handed a project from someone who droppedrepparttar 101861 ball (but do not criticize anyone) and brought it to successful conclusion.

Conclusions - Finding a new job can be a demanding, difficult task. You must treat it withrepparttar 101862 priority it deserves and get out there and hussle. Readingrepparttar 101863 want ads isrepparttar 101864 worst way to look for jobs - and personal contacts arerepparttar 101865 best way. Go on, put on your walking shoes and poundrepparttar 101866 pavement. There is no better way to find a job.

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets at - Visit our website any time to read over 1,000 complete FREE articles about how to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge.


Written by Rhoberta Shaler

Continued from page 1

3. Is your listener results- or relationship-oriented? Spending any time at all with small talk may drive a results-oriented listener to distraction. Conversely, offering no small talk can push away a relationship-oriented person. Lead with their interest and then you can present your point, or your point-of-view.

4. How is your timing forrepparttar conversation you wish to have? If it could be in any way confrontative, be careful. Taking just five minutes to assess a situation prior to bringing up an issue can be very informative. Listen. Pick uprepparttar 101830 'climate' around your proposed listener. As withrepparttar 101831 philosophy of 'pick your battles', so, it is wise to pick your times to increaserepparttar 101832 probability of being heard.

5. Are you clear about what you wish to say? Wading into a conversation without clarity can find you drowning in misunderstanding quickly. Think aboutrepparttar 101833 outcome you wish to create before you open your mouth. This will help you temper and tailor your approach to reach your desired goal.

A quick way to measurerepparttar 101834 appropriateness of your communication is to ask yourself, "Am I willing to be spoken to inrepparttar 101835 way I am about to speak?" Ifrepparttar 101836 answer is 'Yes', proceed with assurance. Ifrepparttar 101837 answer is 'No', be very thankful you took that minute to think.

Communication can be tricky, but most tricks can be mastered.

Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, speaks, coaches & conducts seminars for entrepreneurs & professionals who want the motivation, strategies and inspiration to achieve, to lead and to live richly. Hear her weekly on Visit today!

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