Tips For Singles On Surviving (And Enjoying) The Holidays

Written by Toni Coleman LCSW

Continued from page 1

4. Don't overbook or overstay a good amount of time with relatives/friends. Sometimes a shorter stay works best and leaves you energy and space to get back to your own home and decompress.

5. Look for ways to give to or do for others. Feeling useful and appreciated will provide a great boost to your holiday spirits. Check into volunteer opportunities at local shelters and nursing homes or through any local church or nonprofit group.

6. Don't plan to spendrepparttar entire holiday season with married /coupled family and friends. Seek out other singles and singles groups/ activities where you can feel relaxed and able to share with folks you have more in common with at this time. Better yet, plan a get together with other singles for one ofrepparttar 101823 holidays. A festive potluck meal, tree trimming party or other holiday event would probably be much appreciated.

7. Do avoid using food, alcohol or drugs to cope with holiday stress. Nothing is worse thanrepparttar 101824 feelings that followrepparttar 101825 use (or wrong use) of these things. This way of coping leads to depression, low self-esteem and a greater sense of isolation and despair.

8. Do decorate your home with any and all things that make it feel more festive and fun for YOU. Tune into all those wonderful traditions you grew up with. It does not have to be very costly or time consuming to begin your own traditions in your own place. Don't put off or deny yourself those happy holiday expressions, as you wait for your significant other. Make your life all it can be right now.

9. Consider emphasizingrepparttar 101826 more spiritual aspects ofrepparttar 101827 holiday. Go to a concert featuring religious holiday music or attend a church (or other) service, (even better with a friend).

10. Finally, going away to an exotic place may be just what you do need. Look into tour or vacation packages for singles. This may provide plenty of rest and relaxation and help you meet new friends and develop new interests.

Whatever you decide to do for your holidays, have fun and enjoy them. Focus on taking care of yourself and doing what is right for you. This way you will also be giving your best to those around you. Happy Holidays!

Toni Coleman LCSW Consum-mate 703-847-1768

Toni Coleman is a psychotherapist and relationship coach who specializes in working with singles wanting long term intimate relationships. She has over twenty years of experience working with individuals, couples and groups on relationship issues and problems. In her coaching practice she focuses on helping singles with all aspects of meeting, dating, communicating and achieving intimacy.

Ten Great Holiday Dates For Singles

Written by Toni Coleman LCSW

Continued from page 1

7. Throw a small holiday get-together with a few other couples (or friends). Plan an activity such as trimmingrepparttar tree or lightingrepparttar 101822 menorah. Be sure to serve festive food and drink. A bonus would be to have a secret Santa gift exchange. This would be where each person brings a gift ($10.00 or less). Everyone picks a number. Person with number one begins with first selection. Go through allrepparttar 101823 numbers and open each gift in front ofrepparttar 101824 group. Exchanging is fine and provides some extra fun. Lots of laughs and very interactive.

8. Choose your or his/her place, stay home, rent old holiday classics, lightrepparttar 101825 fire and cook a simple but festive meal together. Play holiday music while you cook. Then watch (a few if you like) holiday favorites together. Or, you can bake Christmas cookies or other holiday treats together while listening to music and enjoyingrepparttar 101826 fire.

9. Work at a soup kitchen one day (meal) together. Sharingrepparttar 101827 experience of giving is a wonderful way to get to know someone and deepen a relationship. It is also a great way to get intorepparttar 101828 true holiday spirit. Afterrepparttar 101829 clean up, go for a walk followed by coffee or a nightcap.

10. Go to a planetarium (if one is nearby). Enjoyrepparttar 101830 spectacular winter sky together. There is usually a guided “show” that you can experience as you sit closely, (perhaps hand in hand?). Try to pick out constellations together as you walk back to your car. It is always nice to have an intimate meal afterwards.

See if you can add some ideas of your own to this list. Then put aside several evenings overrepparttar 101831 next few weeks and awaken those feelings of peace, joy and goodwill for others.

Happy Holidays!

Toni Coleman LCSW Consum-mate Helping Singles Create Lasting Relationships

Toni Coleman is a psychotherapist and relationship coach who specializes in working with singles wanting lasting relationships.She has over twenty years experience in working with individuals, couples and groups on relationship issues and problems. Her focus in her coaching practice is to help singles learn the skills necessary for meeting and dating, communicating and building true intimacy.

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