Time travel: sci-fi?

Written by Khalil A. Cassimally

Continued from page 1

When you watch a star, you are actually only seeingrepparttar light it emitted years ago. At present,repparttar 127628 star may be somewhere else inrepparttar 127629 night sky. (Stars do move in space). It might have deflected a little torepparttar 127630 east or north or north-northeast. The star is still emitting light though. This light will however be seen inrepparttar 127631 following decades or even centuries; or simply next year.

When you watch stars at night, you are actually looking inrepparttar 127632 past. So who or what is time travelling? The star? You? Or light? The further something is from you,repparttar 127633 further inrepparttar 127634 past you are penetrating into.

Maybe then, someday,repparttar 127635 newest technologies will be able to observe these seconds afterrepparttar 127636 Big Bang-if it ever occurred inrepparttar 127637 first place.

Khalil A.Cassimally is the editor in chief of Astronomy Journal and Astronomy Journal Ezine. He is also the co-founder of the RCPL Astronomy Club. He is currently Senior Columnist at BackWash.com and Columnist for bbc.co.uk h2g2 The Post where he writes 'Not Scientific Science' column.

Sir William Crookes and Home

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1

That was in 1852. Later Home learned to control his flights and demonstrated them before audiences including such notables asrepparttar emperor Napoleon III and Mark Twain. His popularity was enormous, and he habitually moved inrepparttar 127627 aristocratic circles of society, especially in England, where he gave one of his most celebrated performances. Those present were Lord Adare, his cousin Capt. Charles Wynne, andrepparttar 127628 master of Lindsay, later earl of Crawford and Balcarres. Lindsay toldrepparttar 127629 story:

‘I was sitting on December 16, 1868, in Lord Adare's rooms in Ashley Place, London, S.W., with Mr. Home and Lord Adare and a cousin of his. Duringrepparttar 127630 sitting, Mr. Home went into a trance, and in that state was carried out ofrepparttar 127631 window inrepparttar 127632 room next to where we were, and was brought in at our window. The distance betweenrepparttar 127633 windows was about seven feet six inches, and there was notrepparttar 127634 slightest foothold between them, nor was there more than a 12 inch projection to each window, which served as a ledge to put flowers on. We heardrepparttar 127635 window inrepparttar 127636 next room lifted up, and almost immediately after we saw Home floating inrepparttar 127637 air outside our window. The moon was shining full intorepparttar 127638 room; my back was torepparttar 127639 light, and I sawrepparttar 127640 shadow onrepparttar 127641 wall ofrepparttar 127642 windowsill, and Home's feet about six inches above it. He remained in this position for a few seconds, then raisedrepparttar 127643 window and glided intorepparttar 127644 room feet foremost and sat down.

Lord Adare then went intorepparttar 127645 next room to look atrepparttar 127646 window from which he had been carried. It was raised about 18 inches; and he expressed his wonder how Mr. Home had been taken through so narrow an aperture. Home said (still in trance) 'I will show you', and then with his back torepparttar 127647 window he leaned back and was shot out ofrepparttar 127648 aperture head first, withrepparttar 127649 body rigid, and then returned quietly. The window is about 70 feet fromrepparttar 127650 ground.'

{Do you think if there is some intelligence inrepparttar 127651 cosmos who was trying to open our eyes that they find it funny how dense and unwilling to even believe our own eyesrepparttar 127652 'normal' people of this earth can be, when they try to think they know it all?}

The hypothesis of a mechanical arrangement of ropes or supports outside has been suggested, but does not coverrepparttar 127653 facts as described.

Some researchers have considered this event suspect for a number of reasons. Inrepparttar 127654 first place, there are several discrepancies betweenrepparttar 127655 accounts given by Adare and Lindsay. Some of these concernrepparttar 127656 dimensions and configuration ofrepparttar 127657 windows and their height aboverepparttar 127658 ground and whetherrepparttar 127659 night was dark or moonlit. {How about whetherrepparttar 127660 coffee was spiked with hallucinogens or whyrepparttar 127661 force didn't tell them how it was done?} Lord Adare, moreover, gave inconsistent accounts ofrepparttar 127662 event at different times. Captain Wynne's statement was simple and straightforward: 'The fact of Mr. Home having gone out of one window and in at another I can swear to: anyone who knows me would not for a moment say I was a victim of hallucination or any other kind of humbug.'

Butrepparttar 127663 omission of any reference to flight or levitation is regarded by some as significant--perhaps Captain Wynne was not convinced that Home had levitated and confined his statement torepparttar 127664 simplest fact ofrepparttar 127665 exit and entry. Finally, an examination of what seems likely, though not certain, to have beenrepparttar 127666 house in question has shown that a tightrope could have been stretched betweenrepparttar 127667 two balconies.

Researchers have therefore questioned whether or not Lindsay and Adare were too bemused onrepparttar 127668 evening of December 16 to know what Home was really up to or whether he had resorted to trickery.

But although their versions ofrepparttar 127669 event differed, Adare and Lindsay clearly agreed onrepparttar 127670 most important feature--that Home 'flew', and was seen to fly in throughrepparttar 127671 window and, later, to fly both out and in. They may have been bemused and imaginedrepparttar 127672 whole thing, but at least they agreed on what they imagined.

As for Captain Wynne's terse statement and its omission of any direct reference to flight, it seems clear that he understood himself to be describing something quite out ofrepparttar 127673 ordinary--for he denied beingrepparttar 127674 victim of a hallucination or of humbug.

The suspicion that a mechanical device such as a tightrope {Remember he was doing this for decades and other things like holding his hand in flames.} might have been used was dismissed by Lindsay atrepparttar 127675 time: it 'does not coverrepparttar 127676 facts as described.' In particular, such an explanation does not answerrepparttar 127677 assertion that Home floated throughrepparttar 127678 window feet first or that he later leaned backward and shot out ofrepparttar 127679 window head first.

This leaves us withrepparttar 127680 more usual objections to reports of levitation: thatrepparttar 127681 witnesses were lying or were bewitched, hysterical, too imaginative, or not really observant.

And since it can never be proved that a hallucination has not taken place, this objection can never be fully answered. But when numerous people of good faith and good reputation testify to having seen a certain thing, and when no certain proof is found that what they saw was achieved by trickery, we must suppose--according torepparttar 127682 hallucination theory--that all these people were weak-minded or thatrepparttar 127683 subject ofrepparttar 127684 reports possessed a supernatural gift {The court of what I call 'easy' answers.} for inducing mass hallucinations or a talent for persuading large numbers of people to lie on his behalf with no gain to them.

{Meanwhilerepparttar 127685 paradigm has much to gain by keeping people inrepparttar 127686 darkness like mushrooms while feeding them appropriate excrement to make them edible or malleable to their purpose.}

In 1871,repparttar 127687 year in which Lindsay wrote his account ofrepparttar 127688 Ashley Place levitation, Home was observed to levitate by Sir William Crookes, an eminent scientist who later became president ofrepparttar 127689 prestigious British Association forrepparttar 127690 Advancement of Science. His statement, printed inrepparttar 127691 'Quarterly Journal of Science', concisely describesrepparttar 127692 dilemma into which honest people were put by Daniel Dunglas Home:

‘The phenomena I am prepared to attest are so extraordinary, and (so) directly opposerepparttar 127693 most firmly-rooted articles of scientific belief--- amongst others,repparttar 127694 ubiquity and invariable action ofrepparttar 127695 force of gravitation--that, even now, on recallingrepparttar 127696 details of what I witnessed, there is an antagonism in my mind between 'reason', which pronounces it to be scientifically impossible, andrepparttar 127697 consciousness that my senses, both of touch and sight, are not lying witnesses. (Jean Burton, 'Heyday of a Wizard', pp.36-38,213-30; 'The Unexplained: Mysteries of Mind Space & Time, 'Vol. 2, Issue 20).” (2)

World-Mysteries.com guest expert Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Author of Diverse Druids

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