Time is Gold

Written by Kenia Morales

Continued from page 1

If you are thinking: school days are over for me so, this does not apply to me you are wrong! As long as you have dreams, desires, goals etc. There’s always something to do. Have you being thinking of starting your own business? Then you should probably be doing some research. Would you like to see changes in y our community? Then you should join a local association that focuses on helpingrepparttar neighborhood.

Here are some tips that can help you maintain track of time and how well it is spent:

•Asses yourself, is your life leading towards your personal desires? What changes would you have to make? •Setting and defining goals in a timely manner •Scheduling your time; long term and short term •Schedule and limit your leisure time in order to avoid distractions

Spend your time well,

Kenia Morales

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine http://kpatra.com "For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics" click here http://www.kpatra.com/keniascolumn.htm to find Kenia's little piece of heaven her inspirational column

4 Steps to Assertive Communication

Written by Dr. Tony Fiore

Continued from page 1

Four Steps to Success

There are four parts to effective assertive communication - Here isrepparttar formula:

I feel ___________ when __________ because ________. I need ___________.

Step 1: “I feel” Start by expressing how you feel aboutrepparttar 129206 behavior. Stick to one ofrepparttar 129207 five or six basic emotions: “I feel… overwhelmed, angry, hurt,” etc.

Step 2: “When” What specifically bothers you aboutrepparttar 129208 behavior or situation? Examples: “Whenrepparttar 129209 family expects me to do this every year,” “When it is assumed I will do it,” etc.

Step 3: “Because” How doesrepparttar 129210 behavior affect you? Examples: “I feel pressured to do something I really can’t do this year,” and “It makes me feel taken advantage of.”

Step 4: “I need” This isrepparttar 129211 tough part for people like Mary who feel guilty simply letting others (especially family members) know what their needs are. “I need” has nothing to do with being selfish.

Instead, it means giving listeners a clear signal of what you want them to do differently, so they have an opportunity to change. Examples: “I need forrepparttar 129212 dinner to be rotated amongrepparttar 129213 family.” “If everyone will bring a dish, I’ll cookrepparttar 129214 ham,” and “I need my sisters to come early and help withrepparttar 129215 setup.”

Applyingrepparttar 129216 Formula

Doesrepparttar 129217 formula always work? Of course not, but it works a high percentage ofrepparttar 129218 time and it gives you a better tool to deal with situations than anger – which rarely achievesrepparttar 129219 desired results.

If it doesn’t work at first, try different variations using your own words. And keep at it. People often don’t immediately respond differently to your words because of previous established communication patterns.

Always make sure your tone conveys sincerity, clarity, genuineness and respect towardrepparttar 129220 other and his or her opinions.

Dr. Tony Fiore is a So. California licensed psychologist, and anger management trainer. His company, The Anger Coach, provides anger and stress management programs, training and products to individuals, couples, and the workplace. Sign up for his free monthly newsletter "Taming The Anger Bee" at www.angercoach.com and receive two bonus reports.

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