Time To Take A Break

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

Better yet, move along torepparttar second highest rated ad, and start publicizing that one. Smart entrepreneurs may run several ads inrepparttar 117815 same publication forrepparttar 117816 same product or service. Since they constructed their ads properly, people may not even realize they are fromrepparttar 117817 same person.

It is highly important to track which ads are generating business. One ofrepparttar 117818 easiest ways is to automatically insert a subject inrepparttar 117819 email they will send you. The following address will automatically insertrepparttar 117820 subject "5Star-Reviews asrepparttar 117821 subject when someone clicks on this address - mailto:5star@adv-marketing.com?Subject=5Star-Reviews

A simple way to start collecting this information is to set up separate folders in your email package. You can then, throughrepparttar 117822 use of filters, automatically put each response in a folder depending on its "subject". If you don't have software that can do this, you really should get it. You can download a free copy at: http://adv-marketing.com/business/frtest.htm - Click on "Freebies".

Eudora is probably one ofrepparttar 117823 best email clients you can get. While it does take a little time to discover all its features, it is a very desirable package for someone in business.

Once you determine which ads are pulling, stay with them. A common mistake some people make is to constantly change their ads, because they feel they are getting stale. Don't forget, it takes 5 to 7 exposures to an ad before someone may respond. If you are constantly changing your ads, you are basically starting over each time.

If you are finding it to be a "struggle" to work your business,repparttar 117824 worst thing you can do is to give a "half-hearted" effort. You won't really be giving it, or your clientsrepparttar 117825 attention they need. Many times,repparttar 117826 best thing to do is to take a break. Take a few days or a week off. It will pay dividends as when you resume, you will have a renewed enthusiasm.

Did you know that subscribers to Bob Osgoodby's Free Ezine the "Tip of the Day" get a Free Ad for their Business at his Web Site? Great Business and Computer Tips - Monday thru Friday. Instructions on how to place your ad are in the Newsletter. Subscribe at: mailto:tipofday-subscribe@topica.com

Can you really be successful online working at home?

Written by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Continued from page 1

* traffic development tools. Your business is only going to succeed torepparttar extent that you have a certain flow of new prospects every single day. Does your current business offer you these prospect leads?

* ongoing technical assistance. Like it or not,repparttar 117814 Internet is based on changing technology. You must have as part of your success teamrepparttar 117815 technicians who can help you master it and ensure that your business is always up and running.

3) Learn How To Work Your Prospects & Make Sales

For your home-based business to succeed, you need to develop a sales mentality. The Internet isrepparttar 117816 ultimate sales emporium. Prospects will visit your website and email you every single day. They expect a prompt response, with their inquiries being handled expeditiously and professionally.

Even if you're only able to work your home-based online business part- time, you need to think like a full-time entrepreneur, making sure that you are ready to deal with your prospects as soon as they are ready to do business with you.

This means being able to get out information fast (your Sales Manager is vital for this)... and following up over and over again untilrepparttar 117817 sale is made (again, somethingrepparttar 117818 Sales Manager is made to do.)

The sad fact is that all too many people who are running online home- based businesses are relying onrepparttar 117819 Internet to do their work for them, hoping that they themselves won't have to contact any prospects, much less "sell" them anything. This is nonsense. The Internet is unrivaled for what it does -- giving people worldwiderepparttar 117820 ability to disseminate unlimited amounts of information and to connect with people for a trifling cost. However, it does not takerepparttar 117821 place of good ol' personal contact and relationship building. The Internet is a vital business tool, likerepparttar 117822 telephone, but you will never succeed in your home-based business if you're not willing to work with your prospects in whatever way it takes to makerepparttar 117823 sale.

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. at http://www.worldprofit.com To subscribe free to his ezines, go to http://www.worldprofit.com/ezines For his Sure-Fire Business Success Catalog, visit http://www.jeffreylant.com

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