Time Management and Success

Written by Kate Smalley

Continued from page 1

First of all, you’ll want to begin each new week by drawing up a schedule of things to do inrepparttar coming week. Start off by listing things you absolutely must do, and then jot down things you’d like to do. Once you’ve done this, you’ll want to look over your weekly schedule and consider whether, time wise, your schedule is realistic. If it isn’t, then you’ll need to drop off non-essentials and maybe factor in more time forrepparttar 104557 critical tasks.

Something else you’ll want to consider is that people with good time management skills tend to be fairly organized. If you’re work desk looks as though it were hit by a tornado, then tidy up a little bit. You’ll be surprised at how much more efficient you’ll be if you don’t have to wade through piles of paper to find what you’re looking for.

Combine time management skills with health, wealth and wisdom, and you’ve gotrepparttar 104558 formula for personal success.

Copyright 2004, Kate Smalley Connecticut Secretary http://www.connecticutsecretary.com Freelance secretarial and transcription services.

Reveal the Leader Within

Written by Julie and Graham

Continued from page 1

For us,repparttar most important style is: Being an Example or a Sample. Remember actions speak louder than words….Walk your talk…… We all know that if someone does not do what they say we soon get discouraged and question their ability and credibility.

To be an effective leader you just need to live your passion. If people like what they see they follow you. You lead by setting an example for others regardless of what influencing skills you do or do not have. As Theodore Levitt, a Harvard University professor, stated, ‘Only people who believe in themselves generate believers’. All you have to do is believe in yourself.

Chrissie is a McTimoney Chiropractor. A very good chiropractor who believes passionately in what she does andrepparttar 104556 method she uses. A quiet person who lets her expertise dorepparttar 104557 talking. She rarely markets herself, other than to give lectures on her subject, but her surgery is always booked and she has a loyal following of patients. How does she get her work? It’s simple. Her patients tell their friends. If you told Chrissie that she was a leader she would disagree giving many points torepparttar 104558 contrary. But, Chrissie always has time to listen, is always focussed onrepparttar 104559 patient and their diagnosis, is always caring and her whole being tells you, you are in confident, professional hands. The result is, people travel miles to see her. She has followers, therefore she is a leader. She lives her passion, her beliefs aboutrepparttar 104560 McTimoney method, and because people like what they experience they follow. Chrissie does not want to berepparttar 104561 best inrepparttar 104562 world she just wants to give her personal best to each and every patient. To her, success isrepparttar 104563 feeling that she has done all she can to relieverepparttar 104564 pain and suffering of her patients.

The secret Chrissie has, as well as determination, skill, passion and desire, is love for her patients andrepparttar 104565 world in general. For us, Love in Leadership is so important. Love ensures that you are not stuck in your own ego. It keeps you focussed on what you want to achieve and ensures you operate from a place of inner strength; your feelings rather than your head allrepparttar 104566 time. When you operate from a place of love you tend to really listen to others and respond to their true issues and concerns rather than manipulaterepparttar 104567 situation to get what you want. Love ensures you use such qualities as self confidence, self respect, consistency, decisiveness, integrity and honesty in your decision making.

To revealrepparttar 104568 leader within, discover what you really believe in… what is your passion… then start talking about it. Your excitement will start to influence others and before you know it.. You have followers. You are a leader. To move forward and lead is a personal choice. It is your life. The only right answer is whetherrepparttar 104569 result makes you happy.

Julie and Graham


Julie and Graham live in the Canary Islands where they pursue their love for writing, photography and spirituality. To see more of their work please go to www.desktop-meditation.com

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