Three Ways to Improve Your Business

Written by Raymond Johnston Jr

Continued from page 1

The best way to keep changing and stay up with repparttar changing needs of your customer is to test on a continuous basis.

Keep testing ad copy.

Keep testing your website design.

Keep testing your products.

Keep testing your guarantees.

I think you getrepparttar 121344 picture. The business world will never stop changing and to be successful, you have to change with it.

3. Ask for Criticism

I could have said, ask for feedback. The problem with that is many will just write and tell you what is good.

Even though that is helpful,repparttar 121345 feedback that helpsrepparttar 121346 most is constructive criticism.

Find out what it is your potential customers dislike about your product or your newsletter. Find out what you can change to make them more likely to buy or subscribe, etc.

In fact when you do surveys, ask what they like best and what they think isrepparttar 121347 worst about you, your product or service.

You will be amazed at what you find out.

These are three very simple things. But you will be amazed atrepparttar 121348 end result you can achieve by making them as important as they should be. Too many businesses will ignore them and their business will start to be ignored as well.

Raymond Johnston Jr is the publisher of Money For Hire Ezine. Find the latest marketing trends, newest traffic programs and free marketing courses. Subscribe by sending an email to Get "The Road To Advertising Success" free by sending an email to:

The First Sale Is The Hardest

Written by John Colanzi

Continued from page 1

Once you've made a few sales, then you can add another product.

Start building your customer list.

Start focusing on making sales. Let your business build itself one sale at a time.

Make some walk around money.

Build your confidence.

Build your cathedral one brick at a time.

Forget playing leap frog and skipping steps. The first sale isrepparttar hardest.

Get that first sale under your belt and you're ready for bear.

Build your business at your pace.

It's your journey.

Asrepparttar 121343 Taoist proverb says, "The journey isrepparttar 121344 reward."

Start you trek today.

John publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter. To subscribe If you'd like to see how John uses this strategy to make money visit:

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