Three Planning Myths

Written by Denise O'Berry

Continued from page 1

1. It has to be formal -- Not so. The value of a strategic plan for your small business is in puttingrepparttar ideas on paper, creating action steps that will get you where you want to go and implementing those action steps.

2. I'm too small -- Not so. Even a one-person business can benefit from a strategic plan. A strategic plan can help you make decisions about time management and budget. Use your strategic plan to help you determine whether to attend an event or advertise in a publication. It's a check and balance tool.

3. A strategic plan is like a ball and chain -- Not so. It's your plan. Too many business owners feel like once it's on paper, it can't be changed. Wrong! It should be an active document that gets reviewed and updated at least monthly, if not weekly. You'rerepparttar 116449 business owner, you wrote it, you know what's happening in your market -- adjust as necessary.

Denise O'Berry helps small business owners take action to grow their business. Find out more at

Benefits of Article Writing for your Home Business

Written by Ian Canaway

Continued from page 1

There are many reasons to choose writing articles as your home business. Your written product may show others how to start up or expand a new home business, give instructions on how to produce arts and crafts, how to choose and prepare for a new career, how to improve your financial situation, enjoy life more, how to save money, how to solve personal crises, or how to attain success in relationships with others.

The best written material is thoroughly researched, factual, torepparttar point, authoritative and interesting torepparttar 116448 reader. Whether you are writing articles for someone else or for yourself, choose your subject matter wisely. A benefit of writing for yourself is that you can choose a subject that you already know something about. A benefit of producing written material for someone else is that you may learn something new. The key is to write in a manner that will catch and keeprepparttar 116449 reader's interest.

Writing articles for your home business is an excellent way to established credibility and gain free exposure for your home business. By writing articles and freely distributing them, you can generate excellent free traffic to your website at no cost to you. Start writing today for your home business and experiencerepparttar 116450 power of article writing.

(Feel free to use this article online and in your email newsletters as long as you leave it intact and do not alter it in anyway. The by-line and resource box must remain inrepparttar 116451 article.)

Ian Canaway is the owner of and you are invited to come and have a look round his new home business blog at; For home business tips, advice and product reviews.

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