Three Keys to Crafting Successful Print Ads

Written by Michele Pariza Wacek

Continued from page 1


For one thing, that's a pretty big leap for your potential customers. Getting potential customers to buy without first developing a relationship with them is, again, asking an awful lot for one little print ad. You might be better off inviting potential customers to take one small step inrepparttar buying process. For instance, stopping inrepparttar 100667 store for a free gift, logging on to your Web site to enter a contest, putting their names on your mailing list, trying a demo version of your product, etc. Let them get to know you.

3. Keep your target market in mind. Your message should be focused on your customers' needs, not your own. Getting customers to buy your products and services is YOUR need. How your products or services solve your customers' problems is THEIR needs. Seerepparttar 100668 difference?

That's why so many retail stores have sales. They’re effective because they're solving a need (saving customers money). But saving money is notrepparttar 100669 only need. There are many others.

You should also think about ways to add value without bargaining on price (this position can backfire). Contests, free gifts, free reports, free food -- stuff like that. Think outsiderepparttar 100670 box. And use that value as a way to set yourself apart.

Creativity Exercises -- Learn by example

One ofrepparttar 100671 best ways to learn how to craft successful print ads is to study what's out there.

Get out a newspaper or a magazine and open it. See where your eyes go. What ads attract your eyes? What ads drive them away?

Which ads have headlines that intrigue you? Graphics that capture your attention? Copy that encourages you to find out more? Why?

Now look at ads that do nothing for you. Why don't you like them? Are they too cluttered? Too difficult to understand? Have a headline that makes you yawn?

Sometimes you can learn as much, if not more, from bad examples as you can from good ones.

Michele Pariza Wacek owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting, a writing, marketing and creativity agency. She offers two free e-newsletters that help subscribers combine their creativity with hard-hitting marketing and copywriting principles to become more successful at attracting new clients, selling products and services and boosting business. She can be reached at Copyright 2004 Michele Pariza Wacek.

How to explode Blog Traffic!!!

Written by Dony Peter Chacko

Continued from page 1

5. Submit to Blog Search engines. Most people search for blogs not onrepparttar major search engines, but on blog search engines. So make sure your blog has been submitted to these engines. The morerepparttar 100666 merrier. Search on google for blog search engines and submit your blog to all of these.

6. PHOTOS ROCK!!!! Face it, most people do search blogs to see something interesting and what best but a photo to give them a 24million color view of something. Yes photos rock, and they do bring in traffic. It kinda gives a coolness to your site. Its like wearing colors while everyone else is in uniform. Most blogging providers support photoblogging, but if you need a place to host photos is a place as good as any.

7. Get original ! Showing others content may bring people to your site, but it would not make them stay. all they would say is . ...."another smartass trying to keep his blog updated by somebody else's work". So keeprepparttar 100667 blog original with what you would like to say.

8. Publicize!!! I am not talking about banner exchanges ( not only do give free advertising on your site, you also have to put up with ugly graphics that can be out of place on your beautiful site.) Think up creative ways. Get a bumper sticker on your car, your boss's car, your company delivery truck...the works. Another easier option, get it on your company's email signature or atleast on yours.

9. Evangelize!!! No i am not a religious nut and i'm not expecting you to be one. Write stuff that would make people go on and talk about you without you threatening them or paying them. And refer to "the blog" in common discussions, parties etc.... wherever you find people.

10. Ok so you got so far.......on more important thing. Don't expect to find any ofrepparttar 100668 above on my blog,repparttar 100669 only reason being, i don't need to explode my blog traffic !!!!

The author is a person looking at the world through a different sense of vision. more at

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