Three Key Facets Of Successful Network Marketing

Written by Kirk Bannerman

Continued from page 1

PATIENCE is vital. You can expect that it will take about a year beforerepparttar awsome power of geometric growth kicks in.

A classic illustration of geometric growth isrepparttar 122531 frequently used penny-a-day example.

If you save one penny onrepparttar 122532 first day, and double it every successive day, (day two you have 2 pennies and day three you have 4 pennies, and so on) how much will you have atrepparttar 122533 end of 30 days? The answer, torepparttar 122534 astonishment of many, is $5,368,708! Amazing, but true.

Its a sad statistic that most network marketers fail and it is often traceable torepparttar 122535 fact that they did not exhibit enough persistence and patience to continue constantly promoting their business forrepparttar 122536 year or so that is required for success.

Network marketers that stick with it for a year or more often end up becomingrepparttar 122537 proverbial "heavy hitters".

In closing, I would like to encourage you to increase your chances of becoming a successful network marketer by always keeping a clear focus on "the three P's" of Promotion, Persistence, and Patience.

Kirk Bannerman operates a successful home based business and resides in California. For more details, visit his website at

how to be successful in network marketing

Written by Kathy Joyce

Continued from page 1

Break up these goals up into short term achievable ones. Organise your tasks for each day and stick to them. This way you won't get despondant and you can see a progress in your business, no matter how small.

Do something each day to help build your business such as making a point of contacting 2 people a day. If you did you would be speaking to 14 a week, that would be 56 a month, or 672 a year. That's a lot of people!!

Network marketing really is a numbers game,repparttar more people you talk torepparttar 122530 more chance you have of finding prospects and ultimately big business builders. If you don't do anything then you won't get anything and your business won't grow.

Even if you only sponsor one person a month into your business, by teaching them to sponsor and purchaserepparttar 122531 products wholesale you could build up a highly profitable business with huge potential.

You don't need to panic atrepparttar 122532 thought of hundreds of people working in your downline and keeping in touch with them all!

If you have a simple duplicatable system that's teachable to others you can just concentrate onrepparttar 122533 new people you have sponsored. Inrepparttar 122534 long run it will help your business to grow faster as people won't be put off by complicated marketing techniques.

Hand out business cards to people you meet.

Put flyers up on supermarket customer notice boards and leave some in restaurants and cafe's. Flyers are very inexpensive to print out on a pc. I often print a couple of sheets out and then photocopy them, this saves on paper and is very cheap.

Listen to motivational tapes and read books. I recommend these 2 books "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, and "The 45 Second Presentation that will change your life" by Don Failla

Purchase some of your company's products and try them out. It's better to know first hand aboutrepparttar 122535 products before referring them to others.

Make use of your company's marketing tools. Audio tapes, marketing leaflets e.t.c, and hand them out to people who may be interested. Don't try to sellrepparttar 122536 company orrepparttar 122537 products. The audio tapes and leaflets generate an interest.

Don't try and get people to build a business if all they are interested in is buyingrepparttar 122538 products wholesale.

Sometimes you may find that people are just happy to purchase from you and these become your retail customers.

Perseverance is needed as well as belief in yourself andrepparttar 122539 products. It's very easy to quit at something just before it starts to work. Don't ever give up!!

Kathy has her own mlm online business which you can visit at She has written several articles on online marketing which you can find at

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