Thousands Enter Internet Wilderness Daily

Written by Ante Miljak

Continued from page 1

How can you achieve this?

·Eliminate hype. It has become counterproductive. This decision is contrary torepparttar present practice, but if you want to succeed it is a decision you have to make. Persevere andrepparttar 106570 chaff will be separated fromrepparttar 106571 wheat.

·Provide substance. You have to be convinced thatrepparttar 106572 product you are selling is of value? If not, sell something else.

·Supply outstanding service at a fair price. Don’t work for nothing. Thousands of websites have closed down because they made this mistake. If you are giving away freebies make sure they are useful and practical.

·Offer visitors a viable and affordable product or business model that they can operate with ease. Automate everything that you can and provide tested and proven resources that work.

The numbers of newcomers are impressive. It is conceivable thatrepparttar 106573 number of people that joinrepparttar 106574 Internet inrepparttar 106575 next few years will outnumberrepparttar 106576 people presently onrepparttar 106577 net.

If you build your credibility by providing them withrepparttar 106578 products that will enhance their success, your story will be told around flickering computer screens. Just likerepparttar 106579 great legends told around fires inrepparttar 106580 African bush.

Ante Miljak

Author of Click & Grow Rich, the business that integrates products, traffic-generation programs and marketing strategy.

Out With The Hype, In With The Business Model

Written by Ante Miljak

Continued from page 1

Entrepreneurs with business experience and not technological wizards will dominaterepparttar Internet in 2002.

Scams will become less effective. Underhand practices are being exposed by emerging Internet watchdogs. They have justifiably turned scam investigation into a profitable business. The names of individuals and companies that perpetuate scams are being uncovered and spread overrepparttar 106569 Internet. The same goes for affiliate programs that exploit unaware associates.

A network of entrepreneurs isrepparttar 106570 business model that will dominaterepparttar 106571 21st century. They will operate across international boundaries to form global enterprises.

The businesses that will prosper will be those that maximizerepparttar 106572 gains for all members ofrepparttar 106573 network, instead of just a few atrepparttar 106574 top.

Rising unemployment seems to be entrenched inrepparttar 106575 global economy. It will force more and more people to turn torepparttar 106576 Internet to achieve a secure income. It isrepparttar 106577 only way they can own a business without spending tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

With careful management of funds and by choosing a sound business model, they are able to start a successful business with a thousand dollars or less. Another advantage is that they can build this business in their spare time, while still earning a salary.

To provide for these needs, Internet companies will be forced to create comprehensive business structures that will markrepparttar 106578 turning point for Internet business.

Welcome to 2002!!!

Ante Miljak

Author of Click & Grow Rich, the business that integrates products, traffic-generation programs and marketing strategy. All you need to do is Click & Grow Rich.

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