Those Little Things

Written by Nan S. Russell

Continued from page 1

Three more comments: first, don't confuse little things with big things. You can't just do allrepparttar little things well and think that's it. Content is king onrepparttar 103564 internet and television; competence is king inrepparttar 103565 workplace. The competent performance of your job is central to any winning at working strategy. Second, this is not a message encouraging perfectionism. You can't be perfect. If you try to be, you potentially limit yourself and get lost in those little things. Third, some people have a talent for details and noticing little things. But everyone can learn.

Start by noticing those little things which create an impression on you. Little things likerepparttar 103566 cashier doesn't take offrepparttar 103567 sensor tag; orrepparttar 103568 babysitter is late again; or your name is misspelled on an invitation; orrepparttar 103569 orthodontist staff presents a rose to your daughter after her braces come off; orrepparttar 103570 repair man arrives atrepparttar 103571 designated time. What do those little things communicate to you aboutrepparttar 103572 person or business who delivered them? Consider what your little things are communicating about you.

Bottom line? If you're not paying attention torepparttar 103573 little things, you're losing opportunities or business. If you want to be winning at working, you have to pay attention to little things, too.

(c) 2004 Nan S. Russell. All rights reserved.

Sign up to receive Nan's free eColum,, Winning at Working, at Nan Russell has spent over twenty years in management, most recently with QVC as Vice President. Currently working on her first book, Nan is a writer, columnist, small business owner, and instructor.

How to manage all your passwords and keep them safe.

Written by Steve Garratt

Continued from page 1

Clickrepparttar KeyPass icon on your desktop to run it then select 'New Database' fromrepparttar 103563 'File' menu. Enter a password forrepparttar 103564 database. Click 'OK' repeatrepparttar 103565 password and click 'OK' again.

Select 'Save Database' fromrepparttar 103566 'File' menu and select a suitable folder and filename forrepparttar 103567 database then click 'Save'.

You have now created a password database.

3. Add some entries torepparttar 103568 database

Right click inrepparttar 103569 left hand pane ofrepparttar 103570 KeyPass window and select 'Add Password Group' fromrepparttar 103571 context menu. Type "Test" intorepparttar 103572 box and click 'OK'. This creates a new group folder called 'Test' into which you can add entries.

Left click onrepparttar 103573 'Test' group inrepparttar 103574 left hand pane then right click inrepparttar 103575 right hand pane. Select 'Add Entry' fromrepparttar 103576 context menu.

Make up something forrepparttar 103577 Title, Username, URL and Password.

Notice that clickingrepparttar 103578 '...' button torepparttar 103579 right ofrepparttar 103580 Password field toggles between masked and unmasked view. Whenrepparttar 103581 password is unmasked you can copy and paste it into another application.

KeyPass automatically generates a password inrepparttar 103582 'Add Entry' dialogue so you can use this one if you wish or type in your own. Clicking onrepparttar 103583 'Gen' button underneathrepparttar 103584 '...' gives you KeyPass's 'Password Generator' where you can easily create a password without having to dream one up.

click 'OK' to commitrepparttar 103585 entry torepparttar 103586 database.

Add some more groups and entries by repeatingrepparttar 103587 above process.

4. Set options

Select 'Options' fromrepparttar 103588 'Edit' menu then clickrepparttar 103589 'Start and Exit' tab.

Check 'Automatically open last used database on startup'. Check 'Automatically save database on exit'. Check 'Remember last opened. then click 'OK'

5. Save and Close

Closerepparttar 103590 KeyPass window. When you open it again it will load up your database for you after you have enteredrepparttar 103591 master password.

Well that's all there is to it. You can now add all of your passwords into your new database and recall them whenever you want.

If you are still undecided whether to start using KeyPass then take another look at my review at:

And take another look atrepparttar 103592 KeyPass tutorial over at for a better understanding ofrepparttar 103593 application.

If you have any questions about this article or you have a request for a future "HowDo-i" please email me at

Steve Garratt is a professional Software engineer dedicated to helping the average person get the most out of their computers and the Internet. Benefit from Steve's Experience by subscribing to the newsletter at

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