This Job Would Be Great - Except For Those Damn Customers!

Written by Scott Brown

Continued from page 1

This can be a very destructive culture for a business.

So as a manager, you can’t allow your employees to see you disrespect a customer in any way. As I have already mentioned customers can be wrong – and yes, sometimes even dumb. But that’s not our concern – at least not in this article. It’s your job as a manager to keep your employees focused on finding new ways to keep customers happy and to look for problem areas that upset customers so you can prevent problems inrepparttar future.

It’s no secret that you and your employees are going to have problem customers, but it’s your responsibility to keep your employees focused onrepparttar 103692 fact that they have a job for one and only one reason – to serverepparttar 103693 customer. Without customers, no one has a job.

Keep employees focused on what’s important. The good news is that YOU arerepparttar 103694 one who decides what’s important.

Scott Brown, is an insightful and entertaining speaker on management and customer service and creating a culture of service in organizations throughout the country. He is also the author of “Who Cares? Creating Service The Right Way – The Only Way.” You can subscribe to Scott’s FREE newsletter by visiting

Is cheap cigarette the cause of flight attendant’s sinus?

Written by Gloria

Continued from page 1

Cigarettes and sinus condition Aggravate sinus condition? What else could aggravate sinus conditions? Even ambient air and vehicular pollution can aggravate sinus conditions, not only cigarette smoke.

Cigarette makers argued that Janoff's attorney, Steven Hunter, openedrepparttar door forrepparttar 103691 testimony.

Come on folks how about infusing some reality into allrepparttar 103692 hype about cigarettes beingrepparttar 103693 cause of common colds, sinuses, and sundry other common ailments.

Cigarettes at cheap may help treat sepsis Cigarette smokers can now take heart. Here’s some encouraging news to warmrepparttar 103694 hearts of cigarette aficionados!

The active ingredient in tobacco may actually have a beneficial effect onrepparttar 103695 body in treating a common and potentially deadly type of infection process known as sepsis, new research shows.

Sepsis isrepparttar 103696 third leading cause of death in developed countries and accounts for nearly nine per cent of deaths inrepparttar 103697 U.S. each year. The condition begins as an infection that activatesrepparttar 103698 entire immune system to an exaggerated degree.

The immune system then sets off a chain of events that can lead to uncontrolled inflammation inrepparttar 103699 body, shock, and eventually death.

Until recently,repparttar 103700 only way doctors could treat sepsis was with powerful antibiotics and other supportive care. In 2001,repparttar 103701 drug Xigris becamerepparttar 103702 first available therapy for sepsis and has been shown to reducerepparttar 103703 risk of death due torepparttar 103704 condition.

But now there is encouraging news that tobacco,repparttar 103705 raw ingredient in cheap cigarettes is good forrepparttar 103706 treatment options for sepsis.

Is cheap cigarette the cause of flight attendant’s sinus?

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