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Create a soothing selling atmosphere. Imagine last time you visited a bed and breakfast. Your home should be as welcoming and accommodating as that. One easy way to accomplish this is by brightening up place. Turn on all your lights for your visitors. Plus, fluff up your bedroom. After all, most people want bedroom to be most comfortable spot in house. Make sure it is—at least when buyers are around.
Clear joint. Along with last rule, there is standard real estate practice of vacating premises when buyers come for tours. This is done for good reason. Buyers are there to evaluate your home, not meet your sisters, sons, cousins, and cats. So send your family to mall for a day of shopping, or to park for a picnic.
Cut clutter. All of your stuff can get in way, too. That’s why it’s important to start packing and storing your personal belongings as soon as you know you’re going to move. An empty house is a cleaner looking house is a more attractive house. You don’t want your perspective buyer opening a closet and having a bowling ball fall on their head, do you?
Make a killing on said clutter. One option is to simply move your personal items to your new home and create instant clutter there. That’s way of pack rat. Or, you could sell what you no longer need and turn a quick profit. That’s way of fat cat.
If you choose wisely—the latter option—be sure not to hold your garage sale on same days as your open houses. Neighbors in their undershirts and jeans on your front lawn do make for a great sales ploy. Instead, it makes you look desperate and could hurt you come negotiations. Schedule your yard sale on separate days.
Better yet, sell your goods online. Classified Web sites allow you to negotiate with potential buyers, get best rates for your stuff, and ship it off at your own convenience. And it’s all accomplished on your own time, inside your own home (where you can wear your undershirt and jeans and no one will care).
Take a deep breath. Lastly, never let home-selling experience overwhelm you. Sure, there are a load of responsibilities to take care of. But that is what your real estate agent is there for. They handle all of grunt work. They do all of hard talking with buyer. They make all follow-up calls. And they showcase your home for you. Your job is just to smile, be polite, and answer buyer’s questions if they come up.
Donald Lee is the public relations manager for Buysellcommunity provides free classified listing services for individuals and businesses to market their products and services online. For global and localized classifieds, please visit - Free Buy & Sell Classifieds