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What does technical contact control? Basically, where your Web site "lives." What happens if you submit a hosting transfer request and your technical contact (not you - someone at business you got your domain name from) does not respond to message? Your domain name is trapped! Worse case scenario… your site is down for days or weeks because your Web site lives at one place, and your domain name lives somewhere else.
And finally, billing contact. At some point it will be time to renew your domain name registration. Most registrars send a notice to billing contact 30 days before payment is due. For whatever reason, person listed as billing contact does not contact you about renewal. You just lost your domain name due to expiration!
Your Domain Name Is Being Held Hostage
When a domain name registration company forces itself into contact fields of your registration records, it's commonly know as being "held hostage."
I personally know of countless horror stories of online business owners who have fought tirelessly to "free" their domain names and regain control. They will be glad to tell you woes of losing control of your URL. So what do you do about it? How do you get back full control of your business?
Steps To Take
Make sure when you register a domain name that registrant, administrative, technical and billing contacts are in your name. Just as soon as you receive confirmation and access information, log in and change any "forced" contact information to your name.
Use a contact email address you will always have. A good one is one associated with your domain name. The email address on record must match email address you are sending a request from. If you use an email associated with your ISP (,, and later change ISPs, you'll have to make contact information corrections prior to making any transfers, etc.
And lastly, if at all possible, register with a company that provides you with a management or control center. This is - without a doubt - safest way to go.
·You won't have to wait for someone else to make needed changes.
·You won't have to ask anyone for permission to make changes.
·You will never be denied changes you need to make.
·You won't lose your domain name because company listed as "contact" closed or was bought out.
·You won't lose your domain name because you weren't notified of renewal date.
·You WILL be in full control of most important part of your company - your domain name.
Take back control of your domain name today. Make necessary adjustments to contacts on record so that your URL can never be held hostage.
Butch Pujol is an online Consumer Advocate who helps you make the most of the Internet. He is the author of "The Consumer's Guide to Internet Safety & Online Professionalism" and founder of Safe Domain Solutions and Safe Internet Business Solutions Contact