Think You Can’t Afford the Help You Need? Think Again!

Written by Diane Hughes

Continued from page 1

Let’s say you DO hire a Virtual Assistant. He/she works 20 hours week for a rate of $35 per hour. That equals $700. Onrepparttar other hand, YOU spend those 20 hours a week making more money. That would give you an additional $2,000 per week (usingrepparttar 104354 same example above). You would actually make MORE money ($1,300 more) hiring a Virtual Assistant than you would doing it all yourself.

Where do you find good Virtual Assistants? You can searchrepparttar 104355 Web, ask your business associates for recommendations, or check out some ofrepparttar 104356 Virtual Assistant (VA) directories online such as I highly recommend

Whoever you choose, make sure they have experience performingrepparttar 104357 duties you want to delegate. Also, be sure they allow hourly work without contracts (at least inrepparttar 104358 beginning) so that you can get a feel for how he/she does business.

Virtual Assistants can free you up to do what you do best, make money. This is a very affordable alternative to running yourself ragged, and trying to do everything yourself. After all, isn’t one ofrepparttar 104359 perks of being a business owner supposed to be more freedom?!

Diane C. Hughes *

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>>

Organization Tips That Add More Hours To Your Day

Written by Diane Hughes

Continued from page 1

--- Automate and Delegate

When those routine tasks start taking up valuable money making time in your schedule, it's time to either automate or delegate.

It's all a matter of how you use your time - make money or waste money. You can earn money each hour by performing work or you can waste money by doing every little thing yourself. There are several options you can look into in this area.

Software - There is software available today that will do practically everything! GoldMine or ACT can automate almost all of your contact information, e-mailings, prospect follow-ups, appointments and much, MUCH more. Outlook is an exceptional 'Day Timer' type tool that can help with scheduling as well as email. SystemWorks can automatically maintain your computer's "inner workings" and automatically update your virus protection. There's a program to do practically anything you need.

Assistance - I knowrepparttar first thing most small business owners scream is "I can't afford an assistant"! Maybe not one that comes to your home and spends eight hours a day with you, but you CAN afford a virtual assistant, a college or a high school student.

A virtual assistant is someone who handles projects or duties for you "virtually" from their computer. Perhaps you need to have a report proofread. Just email it to him/her and, once it's done, they'll email it back to you. Virtual Assistants can also schedule appointments, follow up with clients, return routine email inquiries and perform numerous other tasks.

You can also check withrepparttar 104353 career development or job placement offices of local high schools and colleges. They often have students who are willing to work in exchange for a small fee or forrepparttar 104354 experience itself.

Whatever you do - makerepparttar 104355 most of your time. Being unorganized not only wastes hours of your day that you could be making money, but it also is a tremendous stress producer. Getting your office, your schedule and your day in order can make for a much more fulfilling and profitable business.

Diane C. Hughes *

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>>

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