Think Big

Written by Nicole Shields

Continued from page 1

Because ofrepparttar cable access show, Tim has been asked to be a guest on several radio shows (some national) and to write an ongoing "Investment Insights" column forrepparttar 121196 local paper. He's becomerepparttar 121197 town's investment guy. Everyone knows who he is, what he does and how to reach him. The best part, he has not spent any money on advertising. He has invested many hours, but hasn't had to open his check book once to become Big in his community.

What can you do to Think Big in your community or industry? Maybe you could: *Offer free white papers *Host a cable show *Host a radio show *Hold a seminar

Thinking Big can make you big! Just ask Tim.

Nicole Shields is the author of the 7 Step Marketing Plan, a system that allows business owners to write their own profit producing marketing plan, guaranteed to double their sales. For more information, click here

Hey! You Talkin' To Me?

Written by Livvie Matthews

Continued from page 1

This is where you being to "target" (zero in on) your customer and isrepparttar beginning of your "niche" (small, specialized) market.

Ask and identify questions like: What do my customers want? What do they want to know? What are their likes and dislikes? When they need help where do they go? What is it they need help with?

What information do I have relevant to what their needs are? What problems can I solve? How can I make their life easier?

In short, how will this product make a difference in their life. What benefit will they reap? Make a list of allrepparttar 121195 possible benefits your buyer will receive when buying your product, then make it easy to use and implement.

What problem will it solve? People love solutions. Let your customers know you can solve their problems, you solve them fast and you can solve

Second, answer your questions by being as specific as possible. The more specific your answersrepparttar 121196 more "targeted" your customer.

As you define your market, you define your target. As you specialize within your target, you define your niche!

Once defining your market, research lists, ezines, discussion groups, web sites and businesses (online and offline) targetingrepparttar 121197 same market you are interested in selling to. These arerepparttar 121198 businesses you want to advertise with and join.

Buyers will find it difficult to say no when you have given them an exceptional reason (target) to say....yes! Because, after all, your marketing says... Hey!...I'm Talkin' (directly) To You!

Livvie Matthews helps individuals and businesses turn their knowledge into great-selling tips booklets. and to promote their business. Her products and services include a how to e-book for creating booklets. Send Subscribe visit for more info

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