Think About It

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Continued from page 1

Obedience is not something we are born with and it is certainly not something that can be achieved underrepparttar law; Hebrews 7:19. It is a tool of survival that is 'learned' inrepparttar 126633 valley of hard knocks, Hebrews 5:8-9.

Inrepparttar 126634 spirit world, there are only two forces. One is good;repparttar 126635 other is evil. There is no third option. I repeat, there is no third option. Obeying God results in blessings and all else results in a curse, Deuteronomy 11:26. Every choice comes with a consequence, be it positive or negative, Galatians 6:7.

Obedience is a conscious and deliberate choice to stop dead in one's tracks forrepparttar 126636 purpose of, immediately, seeking God's direction, then to follow it; as that isrepparttar 126637 only path Satan cannot defeat. Then, once we begin to seerepparttar 126638 benefits, we finally actually get it and obedience truly becomes our choice. (God is not a dictator. He is our protector.) Only then do we begin to grow into spiritual maturity as we, finally, realize it is a joy to obey and we choose to seek God more; for protection in everything!

© 2004 by Joyce C. Lock

This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact, for non-profit ministering purposes.

Joyce C. Lock founded and maintains the e-mail ministries "Heavenly Inspirations" and "Share a Smile" . She also has a published e-book, "The Difference", which can be purchased here:

The Worship Leader is a Spiritual Leader

Written by John Pape, Jr

Continued from page 1

Now some will debate whether music is a gift. I tend to believe that music is a tool rather than a gift. You are able to take our Spiritual Gift and apply it to music. If you are a teacher - use music to teach. If you are an evangelist - then use musicrepparttar evangelize.

The best way to learn about spiritual gifts is by readingrepparttar 126632 Bible. Reading and learning should be helpful inrepparttar 126633 discovery of your spiritual gifts. First readrepparttar 126634 following bible verses:

Romans 12:4-8 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 1 Corinthians 12:27-30 Ephesians 4:7-12 1 Peter 4:7-11

Each of these verses categorizes each gift that makes uprepparttar 126635 Church body. Each one is important.

God Given Responsibility

Matthew 25:13-29 Tells is a story about a man who gave his servant each a talent according to their individual ability. Two out ofrepparttar 126636 three invested their talent and it grew. The third one who happened to haverepparttar 126637 smallest portion did nothing with his talent. This did not pleaserepparttar 126638 man inrepparttar 126639 story. What I glean from this is that we are responsible to take what God gives us in talent and use it.

Responsibility is about stewardship. Stewardship isrepparttar 126640 effective management ofrepparttar 126641 resources that God gives us. It is a matter of "taking care of business" forrepparttar 126642 Kingdom. Inrepparttar 126643 kingdom of God you have no rights. That'srepparttar 126644 opposite of our society today. We are led to believe that our rights are paramount in everything. But, in reality God has given us worship leaders a responsibility. The Bible makes it clear that we are to be "Doers ofrepparttar 126645 Word". Responsibility requires commitment to do what God has called you to do.

We can look atrepparttar 126646 parable ofrepparttar 126647 talents and see that God requires us to be responsible steward of what He has given us. The main lesson here is that you must take what God has given you and make it profitable for Him. Otherwise there will be severe consequences. You have spiritual gifts and natural abilities. Now it's time to take those gifts and use them for God purpose. Of course, nothing is done in a vacuum. Therefore you must take responsibility for your action. Both good and bad.

To serve a specific group of people

John 13:13-15 So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you? Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.

Jesus wasrepparttar 126648 perfect example of a servant. He washedrepparttar 126649 feet ofrepparttar 126650 disciples. This was a radical move onrepparttar 126651 part of Jesus. The lowest person onrepparttar 126652 social scale didrepparttar 126653 washing of feet. It was Jesus who came to serve us. And by His example we are to serve others.

Look around you - Who do you see? People! At least I hope that your church has some people in it. This is your specific group of people. God in His wisdom and Glory placed you inrepparttar 126654 exact spot that He chose for you to minister.

Now we can examinerepparttar 126655 people a little closer. There are big one and small ones - There are young ones and old ones - There are men and there are women. People come in all shapes and sizes.

Moses was called by God to serve a specific group of people. He tookrepparttar 126656 Israelites out of Egypt and delivered them torepparttar 126657 Promised Land. As you know there were a few snags alongrepparttar 126658 way that caused these people to wander inrepparttar 126659 desert for forty years. But, these wererepparttar 126660 exact people that Moses was created to serve.

As a worship leader in your church, you have a responsibility to serve that group of people forrepparttar 126661 season of time God keeps you there. Spiritual Leaders are servants to those around them. Jesus wasrepparttar 126662 perfect example of this.

Directing this group of people toward God's Purpose

Help people become effective tools forrepparttar 126663 Kingdom - do these three things…

1. Help them to Discover their place inrepparttar 126664 Body of Christ
2. Help Them Develop spiritually
3. Help them Deploy their place inrepparttar 126665 church.

Three things to remember… Discover -> Develop -> Deploy Once you know your team member's individual Spiritual Gifts it is your responsibility to help nurture those gifts. Discipleship is key inrepparttar 126666 development phase.

Nothing is worse than unrealized talent. Or talent that is wasted sitting onrepparttar 126667 shelf. Therefore it is vital that each person deploy. That is "go into allrepparttar 126668 world." You see someone with a calling on their life; you do a disservice torepparttar 126669 church by hinderingrepparttar 126670 execution of that part.

To Bring Glory to God

The ultimate Goal it to bring Glory to God. As musician it is tempting to pursue ego gratification. Your performance in judged not by how well you did - It's based on how well you related to God and His purpose. The object of your worship is God. It is our job to take our Gifts and Talents and use them to give God glory.

There are entertainers and there are worship leaders. Each one has a different objective. An entertain often times bring glory to themselves. And music is entertaining. Yet it is also a tool used by God to be used byrepparttar 126671 Church to worship Him. There is a distinct dividing line between doing something by our own strength or allowing God to do it.

You bring glory to God when you die to self and serverepparttar 126672 people with song. You bring glory to God whenrepparttar 126673 people are able to focus on their Creator and Savior. In many respects you are a tour guide. Helping people to have an intimate relationship.

This article is an excerpt for the new book by John Pape, Jr titled "Building a House of Worship" You can get a copy of this book at...

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