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To ensure that I was not denying my body adequate nutrition, I take a very good multivitamin formula. To this, I added extra calcium daily, in citrate form- most absorbable.
Since I’m getting older, I also began taking DHEA for hormone balance. And, to stabilize my blood sugar and promote weight loss, I added konjac glucomannan to my pill routine.
In just 11 weeks, I have lost 21 lbs. on this program, and I have never been hungry.
And there are added benefits that I didn’t expect. My skin is softer and smoother. My hair is growing thicker and faster, and my energy level is more like a 30 year old. My fingernails are healthier and stronger than they’ve ever been, and “ridges” in my nails have smoothed out.
And best part, besides losing weight, is this: embarrassing age spots on backs of my hands are also going away.
Most importantly, I am not starving myself. I don’t feel deprived. I have simply substituted some healthier eating habits, in a gradual way, so as not to shock my body.
This is a way of eating that I can sustain, unlike most diets I’ve tried. I can easily do this for rest of my life, and continue to allow my body to find its own perfect weight.
My fat and weight loss is gradual and consistent, right in line with my doctor’s recommendations for safe weight loss- about 2 pounds a week. I am well on my way to my ideal weight, just by following these few simple steps. Only 9 more pounds to go for my target!
My simple 10 point weight loss program is working perfectly for me. And full details, including dosages of supplements, are available at web site link at end of this article.
If you sensibly and gradually make small changes to way you eat, and use some of wonderful supplements now available, you too can be a much slimmer, healthier and more attractive person- at any age.
Katrina Kern is an author, women's health counselor and former practicing nurse. Get all the exciting details of her simple 10 point weight loss plan at