Things I Learned from Mister Rogers

Written by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

6. What a good feeling to feel like this and know thatrepparttar feeling is really mine.

Knowing what you feel and living inrepparttar 123634 moment will add much enjoyment to your life. We are our feelings, andrepparttar 123635 more we're able to let them into awareness and accept them fully,repparttar 123636 richer our lives will be, andrepparttar 123637 more us we'll be. If you can't experience your sadness, you can't experience your joy. And don't let someone else's feelings get mixed up with yours. Just because your spouse is having a down day doesn't mean you have to. Just because your co-worker hates his job doesn't mean you have to. Know your feelings and know that they're really yours.

7. A girl can some day be a woman, and a boy can some day be a man.


8. You know, playing atrepparttar 123638 computer's different from watching a television program. You can bring your own ideas to whatever happens onrepparttar 123639 computer, and your ideas are special. So are you!

I thinkrepparttar 123640 computer isrepparttar 123641 most wonderful medium for self-expression we've had since crayons and manila paper! I'm watching clients, friends and loved ones blossom and grow throughrepparttar 123642 Internet- learning new things, making new cyber-friends, trying new things, and extending and enriching their lives. It's a great way to share you, who are special, and your ideas too.

9. Some are fancy onrepparttar 123643 outside/Some are fancy onrepparttar 123644 inside/Everybody's fancy/Everybody's fine/Discovering each one's specialty/Isrepparttar 123645 most important learning.

Discover and developrepparttar 123646 ways in which you're special. You'll reach a higher, more consistent level of performance, feel a deeper sense of satisfaction, and be able to share your real gifts withrepparttar 123647 world.

10. If you've got a plan/Now'srepparttar 123648 time to try it/If you've got an airplane/Fly it/This is justrepparttar 123649 day.

This is what coaching is all about. When will you start that new career? Ask that woman to marry you? Hug your child? Get online? Haverepparttar 123650 baby you've been wanting? Find work that feeds your passion? Quit drinking? Stop smoking? Write a teacher who meant a lot to you inrepparttar 123651 past? Sign up with a coach and get your life moving? This is justrepparttar 123652 day!

(c)Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach, offers positive psychology coaching and Internet courses on emotional intelligence, optimism and strengths. Visit her on the web at and mailto:sdunn@susandunn. cc for FREE motivational ezine, FREE Strengths course.

Do you want to achieve your goals?

Written by arina nikitina

Continued from page 1

We all have dreams. But almost no one sets goals to achieve them. Everyone knows that goal setting works, but almost nobody uses it. Now there are two questions:

1. WHY?

Butrepparttar most important question is:

2. What are YOU going to do about it?

First let's take a look at four major reasons why people don't set goals.


The fear of failure is probablyrepparttar 123632 greatest single obstacle to success. Many people refuse to set goals because they fear they, and others, will be able to determine if they were successful.

They don't realize that is is IMPOSSIBLE TO FAIL in goal setting. There is just no such thing as failure. But there are such things as OBSTACLES.

Winners don't view failures as failures; rather, they consider them to be learning experiences and opportunities.

Thomas Edison sure didn't succeed with his first light bulb. He once said he discovered a few thousand ways forrepparttar 123633 light bulb not to work before he perfectedrepparttar 123634 winning combination.

Obstacles will come our way, however, if we perform like a heat-seeking missile. We too can go around, correct our course, and move steadily toward our goals. To get there - and be successful - we must overcome our obstacles and take action.

There is just one guaranteed way to fail - don't set goals at all.


Some people think that their dreams can come true without goal setting. They don't realize that there is no such thing as miracle.

You actually have to DO something to MAKE your dream a reality.

When you set a goal you create a step-by-step plan, your path to your dreams. And then you just have to follow this path, one step at time.

Goals give purpose, meaning and direction. By setting goals, and measuring their achievement, you are able to see what you have done and what you are capable of.

Only goals can change you from a dreamer to a doer.


They don't teach us in school HOW to set goals. Although goal setting isrepparttar 123635 most important skill in humans life. If you know HOW to set goals, you can achieve ANYTHING.

An even worse mistake that people make is to assume that they already know how to set goals. A person who assumes that he or she has a critical skill when, in reality, his or her understanding of it is rudimentary at best, is in great danger of failing at life.

There are two good free tutorials onrepparttar 123636 net about goal setting:

"How to Set and Achieve a Goal" ( )


"Goal Setting - A 20 Minute Tutorial" ( )


Many people don't set goals is that they are simply not serious. They are talkers instead of doers.

They want to be more successful, they want to improve their lives, but they are not willing to makerepparttar 123637 necessary effort. They do not haverepparttar 123638 "fire inrepparttar 123639 belly" that translates into a burning desire to make something of themselves, to make their lives bigger and better and more exciting.

The only way you can tell what a person really believes is by actions, not words. It is not what you say, or what you intend, or what you wish or hope or pray for, but ONLY WHAT YOU DO that counts.

Your true values and beliefs are only and always expressed in your behavior. One person who will take action is worth ten brilliant talkers who do nothing.

So... What reason applies to you? Are you going to change it? Are you going to DO something about it? The only thing you need is DESIRE. And right now you have only one decision to make:

to do it or do it not.

Don't wait for a miracle, take action! Learn more about goal setting, about tips and tricks how to achieve your goals, and then use them to make all your dreams a reality!

Arina Nikitina is the author of a famous e-book "How to set and achieve a goal". With all the tools,techniques, tips and tricks described in this e-book there is just no way to fail in goal setting! To learn more visit:

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