There’s Gotta Be An Easier Way

Written by Staci Stallings

Continued from page 1

Think about it. He’s been asked, nae, sent, to saverepparttar whole world. That’s not exactly a miniscule assignment. On top of that, He knows that in order to accomplish this, He will have to suffer and die—on a cross, beaten bloody, and humiliated. That’s not exactlyrepparttar 122862 most comforting thought inrepparttar 122863 world.

And so, He had to ask God one more time if this plan was really necessary. Apparentlyrepparttar 122864 answer was, “Yes, it’s necessary.” In my mind I can see Jesus say, “Well, okay then.” He stands up and walks forward into His future.

Here’srepparttar 122865 thing though, while we’re in “hard,” it’s tempting to give up. It’s tempting to say, “This isn’t worth it” and walk away from God’s ultimate dream for us. But if we do… if we walk away because it’s too hard… we will missrepparttar 122866 glorious resurrection day. We will miss that day on which God takes our dream, molds it into His vision and releases it torepparttar 122867 world in a burst of golden light.

Sure, it could be easier, but thenrepparttar 122868 triumph of our Easter Sunday wouldn’t be met with such rejoicing. And who knows, if we didn’t go through our Good Friday, Easter might never come at all.

Copyright Staci Stallings 2003


Ready for Success?

Written by Ulla Sebastian

Continued from page 1

You can shift your perspective from being a victim to being a creator. You can move fromrepparttar shadow torepparttar 122861 sunny side ofrepparttar 122862 street.

To get there you need to shift your resonance with 'failure' scripts to resonate with success scripts.

How to do this? Unique tools to counter those negative thoughts are positive affirmations. If you get up inrepparttar 122863 morning thinking ‘Another rotten day’, your day will turn out quite differently, than when you get up thinking: „Another exciting day for wonderful experiences! “You meetrepparttar 122864 reality outside that you first create in your mind.

Positive affirmations directly affect your conscious and subconscious mind.

To use them effectively, follow three basic guidelines.

1. Base your affirmations on clear, rational assessments of facts and not on a dream world. If you are struggling with getting your basic needs met, an affirmation stating: „I effortlessly meet my basic needs“ will be much more effective than a statement: „I am a millionaire“ although people who made it to that stage usually make good use of positive affirmations.

2. State your affirmations inrepparttar 122865 present tense so that your mind knows that what you want to achieve is already happening. Present tense means: ‘I have now’ instead of ‘I would like to have’ in some distant future

3. Use positive words in your affirmations. An affirmation saying: „I am happy and content“ will be effective while an affirmation saying: ‘I will not suffer anymore’ will haverepparttar 122866 opposite effect. The mind registersrepparttar 122867 word ‘suffer’ and neglectsrepparttar 122868 ‘not anymore’. It will do its best to create situations of suffering.

A very effective way to come up with positive affirmations that are spot on for you is to catch your negative thoughts and create their opposites.

If you think ‘I will never make it’,repparttar 122869 opposite could be ‘It’s easy for me to achieve my goals’ or ‘I see mistakes as a great opportunity to find out what works for me’.

If you think ‘It's never enough’,repparttar 122870 opposites could be

* Money is an unlimited reservoir of energy * I always have enough and will always have enough * I always have something to give

* I give from my heart, and I know that it will return to me

Forrepparttar 122871 next three days, watch your thoughts. When you catch a negative one, write it down.

After three days, you will have noticed some favourites. You want to change those first.

If you would like some help for your practice, check outrepparttar 122872 free courses and distance courses on my website.

Dr. Ulla Sebastian is a well-known author, trainer and psychotherapist. Her work spans a wide range of themes for professional and personal growth and is the result of forty years of research, work with thousands of people from all over the world and a lifelong experience of selfgrowth and transformation. Visit her website for free courses, distance courses, books and articles.

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