There's never a bad time for a great sales promotion!

Written by Jim Logan

Continued from page 1
promotion to sell kayaks. Let’s sayrepparttar average price ofrepparttar 127067 kayaks you sell are $1000 and you’re comfortable discountingrepparttar 127068 kayaks 20%. You could take $200 and apply it to premiums to reward purchases within your promotion period. You could include paddles and helmet, pay for kayaking lessons, include a river pass, partner with a travel agency to discount a kayaking vacation, include monthly subscriptions to outdoor magazines, pay for entry fees to a local event, etc. The possibilities are endless! This concept can be used for any product or service, it doesn’t make any difference if you’re selling kayaks for $1000 or telecom equipment and services for $1M.

Promotions certainly aren’t limited to seasons, any occasion can be made a promotion – anniversary, goofy holiday, birthday, business event…you name it. System Administrator Appreciation Day can be a promotion event. Again,repparttar 127069 possibilities are endless!

Pull out your customer and prospect lists, package an offering with a premium to reward action, announcerepparttar 127070 promotion with a press release, direct mail, web-site, email campaigns, etc. Get enthused and celebrate! Let your imagination run wild!

I love spring!

Jim Logan is founder of Accelerate Business Group, LLC, a revenue growth company. Accelerate Business Group partners with their customers to build revenue the only three ways possible - getting more new customers, increasing the value of your average sale, and getting more repeat business. Jim can be reached at

10. Lightening Fast Ways To Escalate Your Sales

Written by Aimee Kadi

Continued from page 1

7. Create credibility and trust with your visitors by telling them something they already know. They'll know for sure you're not lying to them.

8. Make residual income from your customers by selling back end products. If you don't have any, you could sign up to related affiliate programs.

9. Use a redirect page to boost your sales. People thinkrepparttar long affiliate URLs look unprofessional in e-mail so you could redirect them to a web link.

10. Create an extra income from your web site by charging for consulting. The consulting should be related to your web site's theme.


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