"The truth about Smokers 'Pleasure Paradox' "

Written by Neil Stelling

Continued from page 1

Ever heard a smoker say they can't wait for their children or grandchildren to get started smoking ? Of course not ! They know it's harmful, and usually openly admit they'd like to quit. They even agree with policies that restrict smoking in public places !

They admit they foundrepparttar taste awful at first. But persevered so they could seekrepparttar 114624 pleasure they hoped to emulate. Nature makes poisons foul-tasting for good reason - a warning not to use that substance.

Smoking actually removes pleasures previously taken for granted.

We've already covered taste. How about fitness ? How aboutrepparttar 114625 ability to run more than a few yards without gasping for breath ? How about your non-smoking friends and family, who must breathe passive smoke, and find their clothes foul smelling inrepparttar 114626 morning ?

Sorepparttar 114627 biggest pleasure in quitting smoking actually comes from regaining past pleasures ! Unless you're a lifelong smoker, you've forgottenrepparttar 114628 simple pleasures lost.

But here's some good news. Those pleasures can come back. When you quit, your senses eventually return to normal.

Once again, you can taste and enjoy food. Taste starts to return after only a few days. Over time, your fitness will improve. Your habits will change as your non-smoking personality starts to emerge e.g. no cigarette between meal courses.

The pleasure of non-smoking far outweighs any imaginary pleasure from smoking. Regaining life's simple pleasures is a worthwhile goal, and good reason to quit smoking right now.

=========================================================== Why can some people quit smoking permanently, while others just keep starting again ? Discoverrepparttar 114629 NLP approach to quit smoking once and for all. Click ==> http://www.QuitSmokingWithNLP.com/

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If you do userepparttar 114631 article please send me a note to neil@quitsmokingwithnlp.com so I can take a look. Thanks. Check out other great articles at http://www.QuitSmokingWithNLP.com/articles.htm

========================================================== "The truth about Smokers 'Pleasure Paradox' "

- by Neil Stelling B.Sc, MBA

© DigiLectual Inc. 2004 http://www.QuitSmokingWithNLP.com/ ==========================================================

Dr Bob's Newsletter - November 2004

Written by Robert Roy MD

Continued from page 1

Dr Bob's Take: this was a large study and I believe does show that eating more fruits and vegetables does have some heart protection. I do not believe this should be considered thatrepparttar end ofrepparttar 114623 controversy overrepparttar 114624 effects on cancer reduction.

Omega 3 Fish Oil - New Claims

Coming in a fish counter near you. Yes, you heard me right. The FDA has issued a new label that can be added to certain fish that contain Omega 3 oil. It basically states that research has shown that these oils MAY reducerepparttar 114625 risk of coronary disease (hardening ofrepparttar 114626 arteries). The amount ofrepparttar 114627 oil will also be given onrepparttar 114628 label. Dr Bob's Take: Yes, it well known that certain fish like lake trout, salmon and tuna, have significant amount ofrepparttar 114629 omega 3 oils and these are good for us. Olive oil is also another oil that is beneficial.

Cholesterol - How Low Shall We Go

There has been a great deal of discussion in medical circles aboutrepparttar 114630 current published target for our cholesterol levels (see below). We are now seeing that there is more improvement noted ifrepparttar 114631 cholesterol total is below 200mg.

Of other significance arerepparttar 114632 levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol). We are seeing more evidence thatrepparttar 114633 lowerrepparttar 114634 LDL goesrepparttar 114635 better off we are. Once again it is important that you know your own levels and whatrepparttar 114636 current normals should be. Here arerepparttar 114637 current recommendations fromrepparttar 114638 American Heart Association (AHA). Risk Total Cholesterol LDL (bad cholesterol) HDL (good cholesterol) desireable at or below 200mg at or below 129mg 40 - 50mg male 50 - 60mg female moderate risk 200 - 239 mg 100 - 129 mg below 40 male & female high risk 240mg and above 130 - 159mg = borderline 160 - 189mg = high 190mg or more = very high below 40

Dr Bob' Take: I am a firm believer ofrepparttar 114639 science that states we are what we eat and where we are from. We have both genetics and food that represent our cholesterol. It is very important for all of us to get withinrepparttar 114640 goals ofrepparttar 114641 treatment regimen set up by your physician. The final goals are not written yet but will be overrepparttar 114642 next several years. Here is a "Heart Profiler" that you may find useful fromrepparttar 114643 AHA. http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=1516

NEW NEWS Potential Warning with Bextra

On Nov 10th there was a suggestion byrepparttar 114644 FDA that there may be some unwanted cardiac events with this medication. This medication is another "cox2" meds which is somewhat similar to Vioxx. There was small study where Bextra was given intra-venously and then followed with oral Bextra whererepparttar 114645 death rate was higher than it should have been. Dr Bob's Take: it is too early to have a definitive call on this but I would err onrepparttar 114646 side of caution.

I have several websites, physician-on-health.com and orchids-plus-more.com. A physician by training with 20 yr expereince as a family doc. Developing these websites has been an interest for many years.

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