The skin squeeze effect in diving

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

According to Boyle's law, whilerepparttar pressure ofrepparttar 132947 water increases as we go deeperrepparttar 132948 volume ofrepparttar 132949 gases decrease. This way, when a diver goes deeper intorepparttar 132950 water,repparttar 132951 air which might exist between his suit and his skin or into his mask would decrease and this could cause him to suffer a skin squeeze.

This way, skin squeeze can happen as a consequence of a change in volume inrepparttar 132952 air enclosed againstrepparttar 132953 diver's skin. Most ofrepparttar 132954 times, when this happens at an area covered byrepparttar 132955 diving suit it is called suit squeeze and usually happens to divers who are wearing a dry diving suit and it becomes tight around a specific skin area due torepparttar 132956 air volume reduction.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website to discover the world of diving!

Fishing the Dropper Fly

Written by Cameron Larsen

Continued from page 1

The hopper/dropper combo, takesrepparttar same principles but applies them to a dry fly. Using a larger dry fly with lots of buoyancy, and gooped up with Gink, you then attachrepparttar 132946 sub-surface dropper pattern that will have you fishing sub-surface as well. If you are using a buoyant enough dry fly, then you may even use a small split shot above your sub-surface pattern, to help it stay down.

Riggingrepparttar 132947 Dropper

There are fancy ways to attach dropper flies to your tippet, some userepparttar 132948 tag ends ofrepparttar 132949 tippet, to attachrepparttar 132950 dropper fly, others use loops onrepparttar 132951 tippet itself. But for me there are two very simple ways to rigrepparttar 132952 dropper. After you have tied on your fly atrepparttar 132953 end ofrepparttar 132954 tippet, you can easily attach about two feet of tippet throughrepparttar 132955 eye of that fly, and then attach another fly andrepparttar 132956 other end of this tippet. This method does not work well if you are planning on attaching a split shot aboverepparttar 132957 second fly. The other method involves rigging up normally, and then atrepparttar 132958 end ofrepparttar 132959 bend ofrepparttar 132960 fly already tied in, tie in a two foot or so section of tippet, and then tie in your fly atrepparttar 132961 end of this section. The drawback of this method is, it is easier to lose your dropper fly, especially when using barbless hooks.

Cast these riggings with care, as it is easier to tangle your flies. Once tangled it is often easier to cutrepparttar 132962 rigging off and redo it, rather than try to untangle two flies. Also cast very tightly, as it can become unwieldy with wild casting or under windy conditions. The last warning is in regards to releasing fish, always make sure both hooks are out of harms way, before releasing your fish. It is very easy duringrepparttar 132963 release to snagrepparttar 132964 fish, your hands or your legs/waders, withrepparttar 132965 free hook.

Dropper riggings are great for searching for fish, they take a little practice to cast and to tie. Butrepparttar 132966 rewards will quickly outweighrepparttar 132967 time invested to learnrepparttar 132968 proper way to do it.

Cameron Larsen is a retired commericial fly tier and fly fishing guide. He now operates The Big Y Fly Company. He can be reached at This article will appear in the Big Y Fly Fishing E-Zine at Http://

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