The rising popularity of windsurfing

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

Often a windsurfer will attack a wave head on depending onrepparttar conditions and propel themselves 15 feet or more straight inrepparttar 133196 air. If you enjoyrepparttar 133197 thrill of hang-time and flight this sport is for you! Windsurfing ranks high inrepparttar 133198 world of extreme sports because of its high flying action.

There are professional competitions that rankrepparttar 133199 windsurfer by style and being able to handle monster waves with ease and grace. These competitions take surfers aroundrepparttar 133200 world to tamerepparttar 133201 toughest waters with only a board and sail to display their style.

A windsurfing setup can cost from $ 500 - $ 2000 depending on what you are looking to purchase. The quality ofrepparttar 133202 sail as well asrepparttar 133203 fabric used to create it will definitely changerepparttar 133204 price quickly.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his kitesite for the latest on kitesurfing equipment, kiteboarding lessons, places to surf and much more!

The art of surfing

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

There are times when a surfer can get closer to another surfer and collide. Try to remain as far away from swimmers as possible and keep a clear 180-degree view as much as possible to avoid dangerous situations. Know exactly how far you are fromrepparttar beach at all times. There are times when surfing is at its premium right before a storm or when currents are at their strongest. During this peak time, it is good to exercise caution for your own personal safety. Depending on how warmrepparttar 133195 water may be you may have to be concerned with sharks. Although a shark attack is considered rare, there is always a possibility in some regions.

Surfing has become so popular that there are various spin-offs of this sport including windsurfing and kitesurfing, which allowsrepparttar 133196 user to reach heights of 20’ aboverepparttar 133197 ocean. Depending onrepparttar 133198 location wave swells can grow upwards of 15-20’ high; sorepparttar 133199 more experience you amassrepparttar 133200 more challenges you will seek. All beginning surfers should take at least one or two lessons to getrepparttar 133201 basics down. In no time at all you will be huntingrepparttar 133202 monster waves and hanging ten withrepparttar 133203 best of them.

Surfs up!

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his kitesite for the latest on kitesurfing equipment, kiteboarding lessons, places to surf and much more!

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