The pleasure of smelling the roses.

Written by Hannah Chartwell

Continued from page 1

There are a number of devises onrepparttar market that smokers can use to reducerepparttar 115601 intake of tar and one ofrepparttar 115602 most practical seems to be a mini, inconspicuous cigarette holder called targuard.

A good friend of mine swears by them because withoutrepparttar 115603 use of chemicals or moving parts, they manage to take out well over halfrepparttar 115604 tar beforerepparttar 115605 smoke is inhaled.

It is all done byrepparttar 115606 centrifuge principal, or so he tells me, but whatever it is there is no doubtingrepparttar 115607 disgustingly visible brown sticky deposit left inrepparttar 115608 filter andrepparttar 115609 certainty that it is better left in there than taken intorepparttar 115610 body.

He uses them for four or five cigarettes and then throws them away and he really does reckon that his breathing has improved considerably since he started using them regularly and he notices more subtle differences betweenrepparttar 115611 various red wines he is for ever sampling.

So from me one last plea to readers who still smoke cigarettes. Please do try once more to give up, there are after all any number of courses, patches and other forms of help readily available.

To those that ignore this plea, at least smoke in a little less unhealthy way by using targuard or something similar to take out a substantial amount ofrepparttar 115612 damaging tar before it enters your body.

The End

Article by author and journalist Hannah Chartwell who can be contacted at

More information on targuard can be found at

Article by author and journalist Hannah Chartwell who can be contacted at

More information on targuard can be found at

Create a Quality-Minded Dental Practice

Written by Laura Peters

Continued from page 1
·A system for measuring these improvements accurately. ·A strategic plan based on benchmarks that comparerepparttar practice’s performance torepparttar 115600 world’s best. ·A close partnership with patients and associates that feeds improvement back intorepparttar 115601 practice operation. ·A long-lasting relationship with patients, going beyondrepparttar 115602 delivery of service to include sales, service and communication. ·A focus on preventing mistakes rather than merely correcting them. ·A commitment to improving quality that runs fromrepparttar 115603 top ofrepparttar 115604 practice torepparttar 115605 bottom.

These essentials are fundamental standards that are necessary for your practice to move fromrepparttar 115606 here of current quality torepparttar 115607 there of its true competitive potential. Commit to complete patient satisfaction and constant improvement, and developrepparttar 115608 discipline to build these beliefs into everything you do.

Laura Peters is the administrator of Two Suns Marketing & Design. This firm serves dental professionals exclusively. Laura Peters has been in the public relations and marketing field for over thirteen years.

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