The magic of pain free good health

Written by John Wedlake

Continued from page 1

The word of herbalism was carried to Europe viarepparttar crusaders, andrepparttar 114514 texts were translated into Latin, which when printing was developed,repparttar 114515 information became more widespread, though only if you could read. So herbal folklore passed on from generation to generation, by word of mouth. Inrepparttar 114516 16th century John Gerard published in 1597repparttar 114517 "Herbal or General Historie of Plantes". He had been greatly influenced byrepparttar 114518 great medical scholar Paracelsus.

Now in recent timerepparttar 114519 medical fraternity is becoming aware ofrepparttar 114520 benefits of some of these ancient methods, and inrepparttar 114521 United Kingdom some areas are becoming available onrepparttar 114522 National Health System. I would invite you to visitrepparttar 114523 sites included in and see for yourselfrepparttar 114524 benefits that are available.

A UK war-pensioner happy to be leading a healthy life.

Bad Breath Cause & Cure

Written by

Continued from page 1

Followrepparttar good oral hygiene rules.

  • Washrepparttar 114513 tongue with baking soda dissolved in warm water.

  • Brush and floss teeth regularly.

  • Clean and replace your toothbrush regularly.

  • Avoid mouthwashes with dyes and alcohol.

  • Parsley, coriander, clove, fennel and anise seeds are great breath freshners.

  • You should take all care in cleaning your teeth by using proper tooth brush and adopting correct brushing technique for bad breath cure. -----------------
    This article has been written by
    For more natural remedies visit for natural bad breath cure.

    This article has been written by
    For more natural remedies visit for natural bad breath cure.

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